Personal Finance Wellness.

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Covertible note!

What Is A Convertible Note? How Does It Work?

A convertible note is a type of short-term debt that converts to equity, usually in connection with future funding round; in essence, the investor is lending money to a startup, and instead of receiving principal plus interest, the investor receives stock in the firm. The major benefit of issuing convertible notes is that it relieves the issuer and investors of the burden of determining the business’s worth when there isn’t much on which to establish a valuation – in certain circumstances, the company may be nothing more than a concept. Typically, the valuation will be set during the Series A funding, when there are more data points to work with.

What is a convertible note?

Convertible notes are a form of short-term debt that converts to equity, usually in connection with future funding round; in essence, the investor is lending money to a startup, and instead of receiving principal plus interest, the investor receives stock in the firm. The major benefit of issuing convertible notes is that it relieves the issuer and investors of the burden of determining the business’s worth when there isn’t much on which to establish a valuation – in certain circumstances, the company may be nothing more than a concept. But what is the benefit for the startup? Convertible notes allow companies with a pre-existing value to raise money without worrying about a significant dilution of the shareholders’ stake.

A convertible note is a type of short-term debt that converts to equity, usually in connection with future funding round; in essence, the investor is lending money to a startup, and instead of receiving principal plus interest, the investor receives stock in the firm. The major benefit of issuing convertible notes is that it relieves the issuer and investors of the burden of determining the business’s worth when there isn’t much on which to establish a valuation – in certain circumstances, the company may be nothing more than a concept.

How do convertible notes work?

A convertible note usually consists of one or more steps, usually two or three: The term sheet, which sets out all the particulars of the note and describes the term of the loan which sets out all the particulars of the note and describes the term of the loan. The disclosure statement, which details the terms of the note, including its price and risk profile, details the terms of the note, including its price and risk profile. The capitalization table, which shows the total amount of debt and equity to be raised. , which shows the total amount of debt and equity to be raised. The warrant structure, which converts the notes to equity.

While convertible notes are almost always structured as a debit transaction, they can also be a convertible note that is treated as equity. This means that once the convertible note has been issued, the company has established certain levels of equity valuation based on the future performance of the firm. I am optimistic about the role of convertible notes in the coming year, especially in the financing of early-stage startups. As startups are able to take on debt, these debt-like instruments become an increasingly attractive option for entrepreneurs and investors. In the coming year, we will see convertible notes used as a major option for startups to accelerate growth and propel their firms to the next stage of growth.

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How do you use convertible notes?

Here are some of the basic scenarios where convertible notes can be used: Issuing convertible notes prior to a funding round Pre-funding a round of financing. Winding down around. Using the convertible note as an after-hours liquidity mechanism. The downside of convertible notes is that they have no IPO protections and can hurt your equity valuation, especially if you need to convert the notes for financial purposes in the future. Here are some of the typical caveats to note. One-off financial transactions (e.g. issuing convertible notes after an investment) Unlike a private placement, which might require investors to take financial action.

There are two primary uses for convertible notes: raising funds and raising capital. If a startup is looking to raise capital, it can issue convertible notes to raise the funds they need to launch the business. Convertible notes are often used in connection with secondary market transactions in startups that are well-known but no longer private. A liquidity event is a good candidate for an exchange of convertible notes for shares in a public company because it opens the company up to new investors who previously wouldn’t have participated in the public market. In many instances, convertible notes are also used to allow employees of the company to take out new loans with their shares

What Is a Senior Convertible Note?

A senior convertible note, often referred to as a “lessor note,” refers to debt issued by a startup that the company must pay back before other investors. Like a convertible note, it may be convertible into equity at any time, but unlike a convertible note, the company will only be required to pay back a part of the debt and will have the ability to refinance the debt into equity at a later date. A senior convertible note is a similar instrument but has seniority over a convertible note due to its tenor. It is similar in that it converts into equity, but it’s issued at a slightly different point in time, typically for later funding round and usually at a premium to the par value (typically between 3 and 6 percent above the nominal amount, depending on the overall equity structure of the company and its intention to issue a convertible note at a premium). The major difference between a senior convertible note and a convertible note due to maturity is that a senior convertible note matures when the noteholder has sufficient “coins,” that is, stock in the firm, in order to convert the note to equity.

Why Should You Use a Convertible Note?

The major benefit of convertible notes is that it allows a company to raise capital when they aren’t ready for it yet, and can be an efficient and relatively simple tool to raise funds as you grow your company. Convertible notes also have the added benefit of allowing investors to gain upside potential from the company, which is often much greater than they would achieve on an equity investment. An even greater benefit is that convertible notes are more expensive than other types of debt funding options, so they provide a high degree of financial security. Also, the public generally perceives these kinds of funding rounds to be safer, so they are generally viewed as a good choice for taking venture capital but avoiding VC risks.

Pros of Convertible Note

Lower funding costs, and no other way to raise capital; Allows the startup to raise money without equity dilution – the investor still gets paid the amount of cash they put into the deal; The investor receives the debt repayment even if the startup goes bankrupt, and the note is transferred to new investors; If the startup has a working product or service, this can act as a clear valuation signal and help the firm attract larger investments. Because the company will likely raise the money in an equity round rather than debt financing, the convertible note funds do not count as a business expense, freeing the startup to put that money to work elsewhere.

Cons of Convertible Note

Somewhat risky – the investment vehicle comes with certain unknowns and is difficult to value; The investor has no right to sell their investment or demand their money back (in many cases, the firm won’t even make them whole for the conversion). Frequently, convertible notes aren’t well-received by investors; their implementation often requires substantial amounts of due diligence, and the value of the company will be lowered substantially by taking on debt. A typical convertible note is a one-year term loan, and it’s meant to be repaid in 12 months. What makes convertible notes so difficult is that it’s difficult to find a lender who will let an investment-grade credit company on the hook for a loan. Another thing to note is that unlike a traditional loan if the company defaults on its note, the lender won’t suffer significant losses, as they would if the company defaulted on a loan.

However, investors are still liable for the full principal amount they are lending, and a note is a loan, so repayment to the investor is still due and payable on maturity. The investors are also in a position to dictate the terms of the debt, such as issuing a fixed-interest-rate note or a floating-rate note, which means the investor has an incentive to inflate a startup’s valuation. Having an investor who is legally obliged to purchase your stock when you wish to raise capital is a good asset to have.

Who Should Use Convertible Notes?

I strongly recommend that entrepreneurs get additional legal advice when deciding to issue convertible notes – it can be a very lucrative, albeit risky, financial option. The only caveat is that the issuance of convertible notes should be handled by an experienced advisor. If you choose to issue convertible notes, it’s probably best to do so with no more than $1 million in funding. The convertible notes allow the business to fund itself before it begins to raise outside investment – but if the company does well, you may choose to go back to the capital markets for additional funding.

Convertible Note Terms (Valuation Cap, Discount Rate, Interest Rate, Maturity Date)

A convertible note will have several distinct terms. Each term can be negotiated between the issuer and the investor, and thus every convertible note issued may have different terms. Generally, however, the key terms are the following: The convertible note will generally have a term of one year or less; on the note’s maturity date, the investor will be able to convert the notes into shares of the company’s common stock (or any additional stock that may be created if the startup completes the funding round). The convertible note will also have a discount rate, which will adjust annually for interest and maturity. Typically, this discount rate will be close to, or slightly lower than, the investment bank’s Libor rate.


Each financing transaction is unique, and investors can’t expect to see all the details when it comes to startup financings. However, understanding the characteristics of each financing type will help investors make more informed decisions and have more informed discussions with entrepreneurs.

“If you have any feedback about what is a convertible note that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Option Trading

What Is Options Trading? How Does It Work?

An option is a contract that allows (but doesn’t require) an investor to buy or sell an underlying instrument like a security, ETF, or even index at a predetermined price over a certain period of time. Buying and selling options are done on the options market, which trades contracts based on securities. Buying an option that allows you to buy shares at a later time is called a “call option,” whereas buying an option that allows you to sell shares at a later time is called a “put option.” However, options are not the same thing as stocks because they do not represent ownership in a company. And, although futures use contracts just like options do, options are considered lower risk due to the fact that you can withdraw (or walk away from) an options contract at any point. The price of the option (its premium) is thus a percentage of the underlying asset or security.

What is options trading?

Options are traded on the options market, a computer-based trading platform. It is akin to a stock market, except that you are trading contracts rather than shares. The most popular contracts traded on the options market are put and call options. The purpose of trading options is to protect a trader against the risk of owning security at a particular price. If you own a call or put option, your trade expires at a certain time. For a call option, this would mean the option goes ex-dividend. You then lose the right to buy the underlying stock or ETF at that price for a given period of time (the “ex-date”).

The Different Types of Options

There are basically four types of options available on the U.S. stock exchange. Two of the – calls and puts – are bought and sold just like regular stocks, but they differ in how they’re constructed. The first one is called the “single” option. It is a naked call option that allows the owner to buy the underlying security at a predetermined price at any time up to the expiry date or expiration date. The only difference between a call option and a put option is that the owner of the option gets the right to buy the security at the expiration date. The second type is called the “divided” option. It is a stripped naked put option that requires the investor to buy and then simultaneously sells 100 shares at a fixed price per share at any time up to the expiry date.

What is a call option in stocks?

A call option gives you the right to buy shares at a certain price over a certain period of time. For example, if you are looking to buy shares of a company and you get a call option, you will receive a $30 strike price. As long as the company keeps the shares above $30, you will be able to sell the option anytime you want to. A call option is a contract that gives you the right to purchase shares of a company at a certain price (usually between $1.00 and $5.00 a share), at a certain date in the future. In the same way, you buy a stock that gives you the right to buy a company’s stock at a predetermined price, you can also sell a call option to someone else who will buy it at that predetermined price. In other words, you buy an option and ask someone to purchase it from you.

What is a put option in stocks?

With a put option, you can take a bet that a stock will decline in value over a certain period of time. A put option entitles you to purchase a stock for a given price at a later time. If the share price is above that price, then the investor receives the money back. But if the share price drops below the put price, then the investor loses the entire amount they invested and the stock is not delivered.

How does options trading work?

Options trading involves multiple scenarios. As an example, you may want to use options in your account when an ETF you own goes on a deep, multi-day decline. In this situation, you may want to sell calls on your position and receive a “cash-out” for selling the shares you would have otherwise owned. The strategy can help you keep the premium you receive on stock for an extra week or two if the underlying ETF keeps falling in value. Another scenario might involve selling an out-of-the-money call option on a stock that you don’t own at a large premium to the share price. Your premium can be used to buy shares in the company, if they go on a crash of any kind, at a discounted price.

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Why should you consider options trading?

Because you can create an excellent risk-adjusted return, and, more importantly, have more control over the price at which you’re going to get out of your position. Options are great if you want to take a bet on the price of a stock going down while being able to buy the stock at a cheaper price than it would be trading for at the open.

What are the options trading terms?

Options trading terms vary by contract but are usually explained in simple terms below: Selling: When an investor buys an option to sell the underlying security (like a call option). This will only be done if the underlying security is above the strike price (the price you agree to pay for the underlying security) and you’re willing to sell at that price in the future. This means you can only sell your option if you want to. When an investor buys an option to sell the underlying security (like a call option). This will only be done if the underlying security is above the strike price (the price you agree to pay for the underlying security) and you’re willing to sell at that price in the future. This means you can only sell your option if you want to.

How Options Pricing Is Determined

Options are priced in two steps: The first step is determining the price range that options are offered for trading, typically ranging between $0.01 and $0.50 per option. The second step is determining the number of contracts that will be sold based on the historical data on demand. The formula for determining the price range is as follows: (Price of the underlying stock when the contract is purchased) + (Length of the option contract) The length of time that the contract will remain open can be calculated by multiplying the time that the contract was open times the strike price, which is the price at which the contract will be settled.

Advantages and Risks of Trading Options

If you’re willing to accept the risks involved, you can make money trading options. However, most people don’t know how to do this. The reason is that options trading is not just a matter of picking the right option contract. The risks are real and can ruin your trading experience, and it can also harm your overall portfolio if you are not careful. For example, a call option is not risk-free because it gives the buyer the right to buy the underlying security at a certain price by a certain time. But if the price moves above or below the strike price, the buyer could make or lose a lot of money. So, the options are not risk-free. Another risk is the underlying stock’s volatility. If the stock price moves beyond a certain threshold, the buyer could lose a lot of money.


Options have traditionally been viewed as too risky for investors and too risky for small investors, but they are certainly gaining traction among investors. The popular trend of volatility in stocks has taken many by surprise as they speculate on price swings and this has brought more trading activity to the options market. Ultimately, investors should decide for themselves whether options are right for them.

“If you have any feedback about what is options trading that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Swing Trading

What Is Swing Trading? And How Does It Works?

Swing training sits somewhere between day trading and trend trading. A swing trader holds the stock for a short to medium-term period of time. A swing trader, as the name suggests, looks for the ‘swings’ patterns in the price of the things they want to buy in the market.

Swing Trading Vs. Day Trading

Swing trading is a short-term trade. It usually lasts longer than a day but less than a month. That is why I previously mentioned, that swing trading is placed between day trading and buy-and-hold investment. A day trader holds the stock from few hours to a day but never for longer than one day while trend traders hold the stock from few weeks to months. Swing trading is between these two extremes.

Swing traders use technical analysis to find out tradable opportunities. For a time being, they study the price of the stock they want to buy daily and then they limit the time to 5 hours and study the timeframe in order to find better trade entry levels.

Another difference between day traders and swing traders is that the first group spends all day analyzing the price chart but swing traders only need to check out the swings of the price at the end of the day or for a 4/5 hours period of time.

That is why swing trading is suitable for those who are new in the market and they do not want to become a full-time trader. They can keep their own job and trade part-time.

How Does Swing Trading Work?

Swing traders focus on the individual swings of the market. The price in the market comes in waves. It might go up which is called upswings or it might come back down which is called downswings. Swing traders focus on the individual swings, the upswings, and downswings.

Swing traders almost always trade in the direction of the overall trend. So in an uptrend, they trade on upswings and in a downtrend, in a downswing. Beginner swings traders usually trade on uptrend which means that they trade on upswings. Because the price always can and might go up but it won’t come lower than a specific amount.

Swings traders work to get small wins that become a significant amount after a period of time. If they gain 4% profit per month it will be a great deal by the end of the year.

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Strategies for Swing Trading

Bull Flag on Daily Chart

This pattern is one of the most accessible and conservative patterns. A bull flag pattern happens when we have a strong uptrend in the stock. It is called a bull flag because when you look at the chart it looks like a flag on a pole and also for the reason that it is upward, it is called a bull flag. Most of the days, there are hundreds of bull flags to choose from. Choose the one with high volume upswings and lower volume of downswings.

When the trend moves higher eventually a pullback happens because the market needs a break. Then you should look for a bull flag. This bull flag is consist of a smaller range of up and downs. Tighter these rangers, higher the breakout. The bear flag is similar to the bull flag, the only difference is that in the case of the bear flag we have a downward trend.

The Mean-Reversion Strategy

When the market goes upward it will eventually come back down, this is the mean-reversion strategy in a nutshell. The market makes over-exaggerated moves on both sides. It will go up and then it will reverse it and goes down. These swings help us predict the next move of the market.

The Breakout Strategy

Breakout happens when the price goes higher than ever. Previously when the priced this point we had a reverse because this is a mean-reversion strategy, when the price goes it eventually comes down. But this time, it passes the reverse point and goes higher. It indicates that we have a huge demand or a buying potential, that is why the price might go even higher.

T-Line Strategy

T-line strategy is actually the same with EMA (8 Day Exponential Moving Average). Anywhere in the chart, you can set a moving average line (MA). You can make a line from one day to 500 days.

For the T-line strategy, you actually draw a line for 8 days. This is like the footprint of the price over previous days.

When the price reaches above the T-line then the price will continue to rise. When it is below the T-line it will go downward.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Swing Trading


It is not time-consuming

As previously mentioned, if you want to be a swing trader you do not need to quit your job and check out the market prices all day long. So if you are just entering this trading business, swing trading might be the best choice.

It does not tie down your capital for a long period of time

It will keep not tie down your capital for a bad stock for a long time, unlike long-term trading. Your capital will be tie-down from less than a day to a few days. That is not much.


It is hard to figure out the timing

Even if you are an experienced swing trader, you might not be able to see the pattern and lose some opportunities.

There are overnight and weekend price changes

As the swing traders stay open for the night, they might experience price gaps. The only way to reduce these gaps is to trade smaller trade sizes without leverage.


Now that you know all about swing trading and how it works, you are able to decide whether this type of trading is suitable for you or not.

Remember that every type of trading has its own advantages and disadvantages, you cannot find a trade that is absolutely perfect. Swing trading is one of the best for beginner traders. So if you want to start trading, this one is a good first step.

“If you have any feedback about what is swing trading that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Brokerage account

What Is A Brokerage Account? And How Does It Works?

A brokerage account is a taxable account for individuals so that they are able to sell or buy different types of investment securities. Investors use a brokerage account to buy and sell stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can use this brokerage account to transfer money because this account provides you with the ability to have access to the stock market and other types of investments.

A brokerage account is also referred to as taxable accounts. Because the money you earn using this account is considered a capital gain, therefore this account is taxed.

How does a brokerage account work?

Actually, it is so easy to open up a brokerage account. It is similar to the process of opening a bank account. If you are interested in having a brokerage account you should file an application from a brokerage firm. Then you need to submit your basic personal information; your first and last, your address, and the like. Then you have until your information is approved. After that, you will be able to charge your account by transferring money from your bank account. Then you are good to go.  You can use the transferred money to buy (and later on, sell) different types of investment. Remember that the money you earn from this account is considered capital earn therefore it is taxable.

The number of brokerage accounts that you have is not limited. You can have as many accounts as you want in the same institution, or if you prefer you can have several accounts in several institutions. The choice is yours to make.

Brokerage Accounts vs. Retirement Accounts

As previously mentioned, brokerage accounts do not offer tax advantages. So you need to pay your tax, which is why they are called taxable accounts. And because of the fact you are paying the tax of your income, there are few rules for these taxable accounts. You can pull out your money whenever you want no matter what the reason is. You can invest as much as you want. There is no limit in the amount of money that you are investing.

If you are investing money in order to have a saving for your retirement, then you probably would prefer retirement accounts like Roth or IRA to the taxable accounts. You can earn more money using retirement accounts but note that you cannot pull out your money before a certain age.

The basic knowledge you need in order to open up a brokerage account

To open up a brokerage account you need to pay attention to few elements in order to have a better experience:

Choose a brokerage account provider that suits you

Now that you have decided that you want a brokerage account, you need to choose a provider. There are two famous providers: online brokerage account and managed brokerage accounts.

If you prefer to manage your investments on your own, then you probably prefer online brokers. You can use their website to buy and sell different types of investments.

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If you rather want someone else to manage your investments then you would like the second option. Managed brokerage accounts come with an advisor. You can get help from a Robo-advisor which is a cheaper alternative for human investment advisors. These companies use computer algorithms to manage your account for you.

Know different types of brokerage accounts

Brokerage accounts are easier to master than retirement accounts because they have fewer special rules. Still, brokerage accounts have different types that you better be familiar with, before opening up your brokerage account.

Discount Brokerage

A discount broker is the most common type of brokerage accounts. It is mostly for the new users and it is most probably an online-only brokerage. You manage your own trading and as a result, you pay less amount of fee.

Full-Service Account

This type of account provides you with a dedicated broker who knows your financial status. You can call them or even book a meeting with them in order to discuss your portfolio. Obviously, as a result of this detailed and personalized service, you ought to pay higher fees.

Cash Brokerage Account

This type of brokerage account will not let you use the money you do not have. In other words, it won’t lend you money. If you want to buy a stock which is costs $5 then you should transfer at least 5$ to your account in order to buy that stock.

Margin Accounts

A margin account unlike a cash account will permit you to borrow money in order to make a trade. These loans are usually for more advanced trades. Margin accounts can be full-service or discount.


Just like anything else, trading also needs background knowledge. You just will not go to sleep one night and the next day, wake up reach. You need to gather information in order to have a better experience and more enjoyable trading.

In the case of brokerage accounts, you first need to decide whether you need a retirement account or a taxable account. If you want a long-term investment then you should go with a retirement account. If you decided on the brokerage account, you need to decide whether you want to manage your trades on your own or you prefer to have an advisor.

The last step is to decide on the type of brokerage account that you want to get. When you are done deciding about all of the named matters then you can open up your account using the provided guideline.

Do not forget that learning about trading does not end with opening up a brokerage account, it is the exact opposite. The learning process will just start from there. You need to think, learn and decide before every step you take to have a tremendous experience in trading and investment.

“If you have any feedback about what is a brokerage account wok and about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


What Is Cryptocurrency?How Does It Work?

What is Cryptocurrency?

You have probably heard a lot about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Peercoin, Ripple, Cardano, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar (XLM), etc. More than 6,700 different cryptocurrencies are traded publicly, according to, a market research website. But, what exactly is cryptocurrency? How does it work?

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual asset based on blockchain technology. Cryptocurrencies are virtual or digital money that takes the form of tokens or coins. They are not generally issued by a central authority, like governments or banks; therefore, this defining feature of cryptocurrencies allows them to exist outside their influence and control. The name Cryptocurrency derives from the encryption techniques used to secure the network. “Crypto” refers to the various encryption algorithms and cryptographic techniques that safeguard these entries, such as elliptical curve encryption, public-private key pairs, and hashing functions.

Any investor can purchase cryptocurrency through crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Cash app, and more. Investors can make money by mining Bitcoin or selling their Bitcoin at a profit. The total value of all cryptocurrencies on April 13, 2021, was more than $2.2 trillion, according to CoinMarketCap, and the total value of all bitcoins, the most popular digital currency, was at about $1.2 trillion.

How Does It Work?

To buy cryptocurrencies, you will need a “wallet,” an online app that can hold your currency. Generally, you create an account on an exchange, and then you can transfer real money to buy cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereal.

If you are buying cryptocurrencies, actually you are buying the idea behind the coin, which is supported by blockchain technology. At its simplest, a Blockchain is a shared database (ledger) that everyone can access to verify transactions. It is extremely secure because the transactions are encrypted with 256-bit cryptographic keys. So all the information is kept in the decentralized ledger (the blockchain).

The ledger is public, but everything on the ledger is encrypted. This is how the system is able to be secure, but also public. Everything is encrypted using an algorithm that is, as of now, unhackable. Cryptocurrencies are inherently very safe but the vulnerability of cryptocurrencies lies not with the underlying technology but rather with people and institutions. Hackers trick the user into divulging access to the exchange, typically your email address and a password (via phishing) or the private key in your wallet. The most common way is to hack into your email account and then request a password reset to the exchange. To counter this risk, enabling multi-factor authentication has been recommended.

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The Pros of Cryptocurrencies

  1. They have been admired for their transparency, anonymity, inflation resistance, probability, and divisibility. The advocates highly value their benefits of privacy, like protection for whistleblowers or activists in repressive countries. Some cryptocurrencies are more private than others. For example, Bitcoin has less privacy. While other cryptocurrencies such as Dash, Monero, or ZCash are far more difficult to trace.
  2. They make it easier to transfer funds directly between two parties, without any need for a third party, like a bank or credit card company. In other words, a cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange that is digital, encrypted, and decentralized.
  3. They are not under the influence of a central authority such as governments or banks. There is no central authority that manages and maintains the value of a cryptocurrency. Instead, these tasks are distributed among a cryptocurrency’s users via the internet.
  4. Some cryptocurrency advocates love the technology behind it (called the blockchain) because it is a decentralized processing and recording system and can be more secure than traditional payment systems.
  5. Some investors like it because their value is going up increasingly. They see cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin as the currency of the future. Some people even refer to it as a bar of digital gold.
  6. Unlike the stock market, you can participate in the cryptocurrency market 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Cons of Cryptocurrencies

  1. Their use for illegal activities, such as money laundering and tax evasion.
  2.  Exchange rate volatility. The rate at which a cryptocurrency can be exchanged for another currency can fluctuate widely. Bitcoin has experienced some rapid ups and downs in value, climbing as high as $19,000 per Bitcoin in Dec. 2017 before dropping to around $7,000 in 2021. It should be noted that a currency needs stability; however, it seems that cryptocurrencies don’t have such stability for now.
  3. Vulnerabilities of the infrastructure underlying them.
  4. It is very costly to produce a Bitcoin, which requires an increasingly large amount of energy. It’s estimated that 0.21% of all of the world’s electricity goes to powering Bitcoin farms. That’s roughly the same amount of power Switzerland uses in a year. It’s estimated most Bitcoin miners end up using 60% to 80% of what they earn from mining to cover electricity costs.
  5. They are not immune to the threat of hacking. Several online exchanges have been the subject of hacking and theft.
  6. Cryptocurrencies are designed to be free from government manipulation and control. However, as they become more popular, this key aspect of the industry has largely been threatened.


If you like the idea of day trading, buying cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, and then selling them when their value moves higher is a good option. But remember that cryptocurrencies are very speculative and volatile buy. To put it in other words, it is a very risky or aggressive investing strategy and you should have a good knowledge and market savvy about it to fully understand how it works.

As this network grows, it becomes more complicated, and more processing power is required. But aside from these concerns, you should also know that just having cryptocurrency exposes you to the risk of theft, as hackers try to penetrate the computer networks that maintain your assets. You have to optimize your equipment and technology to outcompete. If you are interested and determined to take part in this market, you should learn many things and choose the right platforms to make the best investments.

“If you have any feedback about what is cryptocurrency that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Municipal bonds

What Is A Municipal Bond? How Does It Work?

A Municipal Bond explained:

A municipal bond, also known as a muni bond (or muni), is a government bond issued by a local government or its agencies. The issuers of such bonds are governmental entities (or a group of governments) at or below the state level, including state governments, local governments, redevelopment agencies, municipalities, special-purpose districts, school districts, and suchlike that have one of these powers at hand: 1. The power of taxation 2. The power of eminent domain 3. The police power. The governmental entities issue muni bonds to finance their capital expenditures and projects, covering the construction and renovation of highways, bridges, schools, parks, roads, hospitals, neighborhoods, and other infrastructure.

In fact, they are loans that investors make to these public organizations. To put it in other words, if you buy municipal bonds, you are lending your money to the bond issuer in return for a promise of getting regular interest payments, also taking back your original investment (or the principal). A municipal bond’s maturity date (the time in which the bond issuer returns your original investment) may be years in the future (i.e., even more than a decade) or in one to three years.

There are 2 general types of municipal bonds: 1. General obligation bonds 2. Revenue Bonds

  1. General Obligation Bonds are backed by the government’s taxing power. These bonds have the full faith and credit of the issuer, which has the power to tax residents to pay investors. These bonds are generally riskier and offer a higher yield.
  2. Revenue bonds are backed by revenues from a specific project or source like lease fees or toll roads. The bonds’ yields depend on the amount of revenue collected from these sources.

How Does it work?

Municipal Bonds pay interest to their investors, usually twice a year. The bond issuers repay the principal on the bond’s maturity date. You can purchase municipal bonds directly from a registered municipal bond seller or indirectly through a municipal bond fund.

The municipal bond rates are determined at origination by these three factors:

1. They follow the equivalent Treasury bond rate. By the way, the bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury are considered to be among the safest in the world. Since munis have a bit more risk, they will pay slightly higher rates than federal bonds.

2. Municipal bond rates depend on the bond issuer’s credit rating as well. The highest is AAA. Since they are also the safest, they pay the lowest rates. Lower-rated bonds pay a higher rate to compensate investors for the greater risk of default.

3. It depends on the length of the bond, whether it is long-term or short-term. Long-term bonds (for example, 10 to 30 years) will pay more than short-term (i.e., less than ten years) bonds.

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The Pros of Municipal Bonds

  1. Municipal bonds are more risk-averse and more focused on preserving than increasing wealth. The bonds provide a conservative investment in which your capital grows slowly and steadily.
  2. Muni bonds are exempt from federal taxes and most state and local taxes. The interest rate can also be tax-free for the residents of that state.

*Note that municipal investments are not always tax-exempt investments. There are cases in which the income generated by a municipal bond may be taxable. For example, a municipality may issue a bond that does not qualify for federal tax exemption. So conducting a preliminary investigation about their provisions is a must for investors.

3. They are free to trade at any time once investors purchase them.

4. The U.S. municipal bond market is unique for its size, liquidity, legal and tax structure, and bankruptcy protection by the U.S. Constitution.

The Risks of Munis:

keep in mind that like any investment, municipal bonds entail risk;

1. Because of their relatively low risk, they pay low-interest rates than other investment strategies.

2. When interest rates decline, the bond issuer may repay a bond before its maturity date, which is called Bond call (or call risk). Many municipal bonds are callable; therefore, if you intend to hold a muni to maturity, before having that, make sure that you know well the bond’s call provisions.

  3. Credit risk (or default). The bond issuer may encounter financial problems in paying interest rates or returning the principal in full. Investors need to know that sometimes governments lack the ability or willingness to return their debts. Credit ratings try to evaluate the credit risk of a bond compared with other bonds; nevertheless, a high rating does not give a 100% guarantee that the bond will have no chance of defaulting.

  4. Inflation risk. Inflation will be a risk for bond investors who receive a fixed rate of interest. Fixed income falls behind with rising inflation.

  5. Liquidity risk. It refers to the risk that the bond investors won’t find an active market for their municipal bonds. Therefore, the market for the bond may not be liquid, and quoted prices for the same bond may differ.

  6. Interest rate risk. Market interest rates have inverse relationships with the value of a bond. Interest rate risk is the potential that a change in overall interest rates will reduce the value of a bond or other fixed-rate investments.


Muni bonds are an attractive option for investors in high tax brackets; because they offer various benefits, risks, and tax treatments. Additionally, they are very suitable investment strategies for risk-averse individuals who prefer preserving their wealth to increasing it.

Although municipal bonds are less risky than other investment strategies, remember that they are not supported by the federal government and can sometimes default. Because of the different types of municipal bonds available and the fierce competition among dealers to gain a piece of the business, you should enter into muni investing carefully and cautiously.

It is better to consult with your financial manager to find out –based upon your financial goals and needs- whether it is appropriate for you to purchase municipal bonds or not. For more information, please visit The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Market Access

“If you have any feedback about what is a municipal bond that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

how to roll over 401k

How To Roll Over An Old 401K?



401(k) plan is one of the greatest ways for employees to save for retirement. The government allows companies to offer retirement saving accounts -such as 401(K) accounts- indeed with some advantages to encourage people to save for retirement. However, if you are self-employed, you can also have a similar account for your retirement, known as a solo 401(k) or solo Roth 401(K).

What are 401(k) plan advantages?

  1. It is a tax-advantaged retirement account.
  2. It is a company-sponsored account.
  3. Federal law protects 401(k) retirement plans.
  4. You can get matching funds that I will explain below.

Two Basic Types of 401(k) Accounts:

  1. Traditional or Regular 401(k) is a pre-tax retirement investment. Meaning you will later pay tax on that money when you withdraw it in retirement.
  2. Roth 401(k) is a post-tax investment. This means that you have already paid your taxes; therefore, when you withdraw your fund, it is all yours –tax-free!

How does 401(k) work?

When you sign up for a 401(k) account, you set an amount or percentage that automatically will be taken out of your paycheck to fund the account.

Suppose you receive 100,000$ per year and contribute 10,000$ to your 401(k) account. With traditional 401(k), the amount you contribute to your 401(k) fund is deducted from your taxable income. For example, in this case, your total taxable income for the year would 99,000$. The money that you put into a 401(K) account is tax-deferred; meaning you don’t pay taxes on it until you withdraw it in retirement. Therefore, your money in your 401(k) account can grow without being taxed. However, with traditional or regular 401(k), you eventually have to pay taxes on your withdrawals.

On the other hand, some companies offer Roth 401(k) for their employees. With the Roth 401(k), your contributions are not tax-deferred. It means that whenever you get your paycheck, first, the taxes will get taken out from your salary or wages check, and then you will fund your Roth 401(k) with whatever is left. In other words, your contributions are made with after-taxed money. The bottom line is that your contributions are made with post-taxed money. So while Roth 401(k) does not give you any tax benefits today, it will give you huge tax benefits later on; because your withdrawals will be tax-free, and all will belong to you.

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Matching funds

Many employers offer to match your 401(k) contributions. It means that if an employee puts some of his/her money into a retirement account, the employer will put some extra money in there too. Therefore, if your company offers you a matching contribution program, you must accept it; because it is like free money or a pay raise. Companies have different formulas and calculations to do that. The most common way is to match a percentage of an employee’s contribution, up to a certain limit. For example, an employer may match 25% of your contribution. It means that if you put 10,000$ in your retirement account, the company will match 25% of that (i.e., it will put 2,500$ there). It is like free money or a pay raise, and not taking advantage of that means you leave “free money” on the table and say: no, I do not want that.

 401(k) Rollover

What is 401(k) rollover? The question may arise if you have an old 401(k) from your previous employer; or if you have changed a job and are wondering what to do with your 401(k) account. In that case, you will have three options:

  1. 401(k) Rollover: a 401(k) rollover is a transfer of money from an old 401(k) to a new 401(k) account or IRA (Individual retirement account).
  2. Keep your 401(k) with your former employer.
  3. Cash it out. Casing out a 401(k) is not usually a very good idea. Because if you withdraw your money before its due time, there are penalties for early withdrawals.

*if you don’t know which choice is best for you, depending on your unique situation, you may want to consult with a tax professional to make sure that you are making the right decision. Sometimes the wrong and unthought decision can cost you dearly.

Guide to 401(k) Rollover

  1. You may roll over your old 401(k) to a new retirement account when you leave your job. There are two types of rollovers: direct and indirect. In a direct rollover, your previous money account is transferred electronically to your new account. In an indirect rollover, you receive the money in your fund to redeposit it. If you receive the money in cash or check instead of transferring it directly to the new account, you only have 60 days to deposit the fund into your new retirement account. And once more, remember that this must be done within 60 days. If you miss the deadline, you will be subject to withholding taxes and other penalties. Between direct and indirect rollover, the direct one (with no check) is the best.
  2. Decide what kind of account you want and then open it; that is to say, decide which type of new retirement account suits you well. Note that your age –how old are you and how far you are from approximate retirement age- and your risk tolerance are among the important factors that should be taken into account in this decision.
  3. You have to choose a financial institution, such as a bank, brokerage, or online investing platform to open a new retirement account.
  4. See what is needed to begin the 401(k) rollover process.


Now you know that if your company offers a 401(k) plan or any contribution matching program, you have to accept it definitely and undoubtedly. The best way to reassure that your organization offers you this retirement plan is to go to your human resource department. If you work for a small company that does not have an HR representative, the next best person to talk about would be your boss or employer.

“If you have any feedback about how to roll over an old 401k that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Target date funds

What Are Target-Date Funds? How Do They Work?

What Are Target-Date Funds?

When we are young, we tend to take more risks. However, as we grow older, we become more conservative and take lower-risk options. Target-date funds (TDFs) –also known as a lifecycle, dynamic-risk, or age-based fund- exactly do just that; they mix several investment strategies to help you take financial risks when you are young and use your target-date fund when you reach retirement age.

Let me explain with an example. Suppose you are a 25-year-old employee and intend to retire at the age of 66. Therefore, you start to invest in a target date 2060 fund (or if you plan to retire in or near 2035, you pick a fund with 2035 in its name). This target date in the name of the fund (i.e., 2060 fund) is the approximate date that you -as an investor- plan to retire and withdraw your money. At that time, you will use that money (or target-date fund) to cover your retirement expenses, such as your child’s college tuition, bills, healthcare services, etc.

How Do Target-Date Funds Work?

TDFs Work Through Glide path and Diversification.

If you want to invest in a target-date fund, you probably hear the word glide path. It is an investment roadmap; It will take you all along the way (i.e., from the beginning of your career until retirement), mapping out a mix of bonds, stocks, and other investments that are appropriate based on the target date. Like an airplane coming for landing, the glide path allows your savings to make a gentle landing into retirement by reducing the market risk (moving from aggressive to conservative investments over time).

When we are young and new at our job, retirement sounds very far away. That is why the glide path starts with a diversified mix of stocks and lower portions of bonds. As time passes, the glide path reduces the stock mix and adds to conservative and safe investments (such as bonds, cash, and cash equivalents). In another way, a target-date fund’s gradual shift to more conservative investments is called the glide path.

What Is Diversification?

Diversification is an investment strategy. If one kind of investment (e.g., stocks) has a bad year, other types of investments (e.g., cash and bonds) might have a good year. Put differently, diversification is another word for the expression “do not put all your eggs in one basket.”    Target-date funds use a diversification strategy. They consist of a mix of investments and change investment strategies over time. For example, they invest heavily in stocks in the early years but getting more conservative as time goes on.

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Benefits and Risks of Target-Date Funds:

Pros Cons
It has a very simple and straightforward process: to put it more simply, it means that when you are young, you pick a fund and put it in it as much as you can. But, you can’t withdraw your money till you reach retirement age.  Therefore, TDFs can help people who are less financially literate. TDFs do not provide guaranteed income; The principal value is not guaranteed at any time, including at the target date. (Remember that like all investments, target-date funds can lose money if the stocks and bonds owned by the fund drop in value). Therefore, it is very important to monitor your investments and do a little research for better outputs.
It is a good way for long-term investments. Investors have to make appropriate decisions based upon their personality, needs, goals, credible research, and information, related expenses, etc. Therefore, TDFs may not be as simple as they appear.
It uses a diversification strategy (has a very diversified portfolio). TDFs hold a mix of stocks, bonds, and other investments. TDFs have related expenses that investors should take into account.
TDFs have a diversified portfolio; generally, investors have three choices according to their risk tolerance. People naturally have different features; they can be conservative, aggressive, or moderate risk-takers. These features and tendencies change as time goes on. As mentioned earlier, people usually become more conservative or moderate risk-takers when they grow older. TDFs provide this option for investors to switch to a different risk level. Sometimes only one fund company offers different TDFs. In this regard, it is very risky; investors have to know that they are entrusting all of their assets to a single fund company! Remember that target-date funds are not risk-free.

Several Tips to Know about Target-Date Funds:

  • In addition to choosing the right target-date fund, you should put the right amount of money into it. An under-funded nest egg will not cover your retirement expenses.
  • You have to practice and improve your trading and investment skills before entering a real market.
  • TDFs are not guaranteed against losses. However, they use diversification strategies. Thus, they are less risky than investing in individual stocks or bonds.
  • Take care to select a TDF that aligns most closely with the date you plan to retire.
  • Choose an investment strategy that best matches your risk tolerance.
  • Check related fees and expenses. Compare different target-date fund fees and expenses using FINRA’s Fund Analyzer.


Retirement is a new stage of your life that needs preparedness and planning. Planning for retirement starts with thinking about your retirement goals and retirement expenses. For this, you should have enough money to meet your needs at that time. TDFs are increasingly one popular investment option for your retirement period. They are structured to help individuals invest in low risky, well-diversified portfolios that rebalance over time for retirement goals. In fact, you are trading savings today for security tomorrow.

Target-date funds are one of the good ways for investing your money; there is no doubt that they are better than not investing at all. But, you have other investment options that may work better for you than TDFs. Therefore, it is a good idea to consult with an investing professional you trust. An investing pro can help you in choosing the right path for you. However, remember that the final decision should always be yours.

“If you have any feedback about what are target-date funds that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Money Market

What Are Money Market Funds?

A money market fund is an open-ended mutual fund that invests in cash and low-risk, short-time debt securities like commercial paper and US Treasury bills. The aim of a money market fund is to preserve money while obtaining a nominal yield. Companies and institutions often use a money market fund to manage their short-term cash needs.

The law from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) categorizes three groups of money market funds according to the investments of the fund, including prime, municipal, and government.

Types of money market funds

Federal regulation requires money market mutual funds to make the types of debt securities they hold to be very short in maturity and high in credit quality. The entire money market funds agree to industry-standard regulatory necessities concerning the maturity, quality, liquidity, and diversification of the fund’s investments. Based on the focus of the fund, investments can include short-term US Treasury securities, Eurodollar deposits, certificates of deposit, federal agency notes, repurchase agreements, corporate commercial paper, and compulsion of cities, states, or other kinds of municipal agencies.

Investors who might consider money market funds

Money market fund can be suitable for customers who:

  • Have a short term financial goal
  • Have a low acceptance for volatility, or are seeking to diversify with a more conservative investment
  • Require the extremely liquid investment

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The returns on money market funds are commonly lower than the returns on other types of fixed income funds like bond funds. The money market fund looks to provide stability, so plays a significant role in your portfolio. People who invest can utilize money market funds in some ways:

  • To compensate for the usually larger volatility of bond and equity investments.
  • As short time investments for properties, they might be required in short term.
  • In the form of a holding place for properties when waiting for other investment opportunities to appear.

Evaluating a money market fund

A money market fund is a kind of fixed income mutual fund with very strict maturity, diversification, credit quality, and liquidity requirements designated to assist it to achieve its purpose of major preservation and everyday access for investors. When customers chose a money market fund they should determine if its features are in line with their investment goals and strategy.

  • The aim of numerous money market funds is generally to supply current income consistent with major preservation.
  • US Treasury and government money market funds possibly can provide a lower credit risk and return profile compare with prime money market funds.
  • Municipal money market funds can be suitable for non-retirement accounts that are not yet tax-shielded.

Pros of money market funds

  • Stability

Money market mutual funds are among the least volatile kinds of mutual fund investments.

  • Liquidity

Settle brokerage account trades in other investments or regain funds from a money market mutual fund is easily accomplishable.

  • Security

Federal rules required the fund to invest in short-maturity and low-risk investments; it makes them less susceptible to market fluctuations than many other types of investment.

  • Short duration

Since the money market mutual fund is short-term (up to a few months), so they are normally exposed to less interest rate risk than longer-maturing bond fund investments.

  • Diversification

Money market mutual funds have several different securities; with restricted exposure outside US Treasury funds to every issuer.

  • Possible tax advantages

The interest payments of some money market funds invest in securities are usually exempt from federal, and even in some cases, exempt from state income taxes; these funds may be a possible source of stable, tax-efficient income.

Risk of money market funds

  • Credit risk

Money market mutual funds are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) unlike regular bank certificates of deposit (CDs) or saving accounts; money market mutual funds invest in high-quality securities and attempt to preserve the value of your investment, but there is the risk of losing your money without the guarantee of receiving $1 per share when you redeem your shares.

  • Inflation risk

Due to the safety and short-time nature of these types of investments, money market mutual fund returns is normally lower than the return of more volatile investments like regular stock and bond mutual funds, which is generating the risk that the rate of return might not go forward with inflation.

Prime money market funds:

Foreign exposure: Entities placed outside the countries can be influenced by adverse regulatory, political, economic, or market developments in those foreign countries.

Financial services exposure: Fluctuations in government rules, interest rates, and economic downturns have a notable negative impact on issuers in the financial services sector, such as the price of their securities or their capability to meet their payment obligations.

All prime and municipal money market funds:

Liquidity risk: in case the fund’s liquidity drops below required minimums due to the factors like market conditions, the fund can require a fee on the sale of your shares, or can suspend your ability to sell shares for a short time.

Institutional municipal and institutional prime money market funds:

Price risk: when you sell your shares, due to the fund’s share price change, they can be worth more or less than what you originally paid for them.


Money market funds are fixed income mutual funds that invest in securities featured by short duration and least possible credit risk. These types of funds are among those investments that have the least volatility. The money market fund’s income depends on the types of securities the fund invests in is taxable or tax-exempt.

“If you have any feedback about what are money market funds that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Municipal bond

What Is A Backdoor Roth IRA? How Does It Work In 2021?

Do you remember what are Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s? Before going into details about “what is Backdoor Roth IRA?” let’s first review them very quickly and briefly.

A Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) allows taxpayers to put aside a few thousand dollars a year into their retirement savings account. As we mentioned earlier, they are post-tax
retirement accounts, meaning that when you withdraw your fund at retirement age, it is tax-free, and all belongs to you. Why? Because you have already paid your taxes. To put it in other words, these Roth accounts are different from traditional (or regular) 401(K) or IRA retirement funds that are pre-tax. It means that such retirement plans give taxpayers immediate tax advantages (i.e., they are tax-deferred), meaning that in IRA or 401(k) plans, investors will later pay the tax on that money when they withdraw it in their retirement.

Why Roth IRA is so wanted?

Well, the answer is very simple. It has so many advantages, including:

  1. Roth IRA plan offers tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in your retirement.
  2. There is no age limit. You even can transfer your Roth IRA to your beneficiaries, and their withdrawals will be tax-free too.
  3. Roth IRAs don’t have required minimum distributions (RDMs), meaning that you can take out as much or as little as you want, and whenever you want, or leave it all for your beneficiaries. By the way, many investors intend to use their Roth as a legacy or an inheritance. Furthermore, you can keep your money in your Roth IRA account as long as you want; Thus, your fund can surely keep up growing there.

The problem is that people who earn above a specific amount are not entitled to open or fund Roth IRAs –indeed under regular rules, anyway. Now this question may arise that what are Roth IRA income limits. In 2021, the income limit for singles is $140,000, and for married couples, the limit is $208,000. Moreover, the contribution limit is $6,000 a year unless you are age 50 or older—in which case, you can deposit up to $7,000. Note that Roth IRA income limits are indexed to inflation and change annually, meaning that the higher the inflation rate, the more likely you are to see limits will go up. On the whole, your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) must be less than the annual limit set by the IRS.

Okay, now let’s get back to our main question, What Is a Backdoor Roth IRA?

If your income is too high for a Roth IRA, you can get to a Roth through the “back door,” called Backdoor Roth IRA alternatively. Backdoor Roth IRAs are traditional IRA or 401(K) accounts that have been converted to Roth IRAs. Say differently Backdoor Roth IRA provides an option for higher-income investors who ordinarily couldn’t contribute to a Roth. Interesting ha? Okay, let’s see how we can set up a Backdoor Roth IRA?

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How Does It work?

In this part, we will explain how to create a Backdoor Roth IRA. Actually, you can do that in different ways.

  1. You can create a traditional IRA account and then roll over the fund to a Roth IRA account. Do this account conversion as soon as possible. If you delay your conversion, everything will become too complicated. So keep life simple and stay out of trouble.
  2. You can create a 401(k) account and then roll it over to Roth IRA.

Is Backdoor Roth IRA Right for You? What You Need to Know?

  1. You have to know that this conversion to a Roth IRA account is not a tax dodge. Suppose you have $7,000 in your traditional 401(k) or IRA account and then convert your account to Roth IRA account. In this case, you still owe taxes on $7,000.
  2.  Be aware that income limits do not apply to Roth IRA Backdoor conversions.
  3. Aside from getting around the limits, Backdoor Roth IRA will have significant tax savings over the decades for you; because Roth IRAs, unlike traditional IRAs, are not taxable when you withdraw the money at your retirement. In general, it is the most advantageous point of Roth accounts, whether Roth IRA or Roth 401(k), that you pay taxes upfront on your contributions and everything after that is tax-free, and all accumulated money in the fund belongs to you at retirement. It will be a very beneficial option for your retirement savings; because tax rates will go up in the future, and your taxable income will be higher after you retire than it is now. So if your employer offers you a Roth plan, never refuse it.
  4. The Backdoor Roth IRA is not a good idea for those who think that will need to withdraw the money they are contributing in the next five years. In this case, you will have to pay a penalty when you withdraw it.

5. Ask a financial or tax advisor for help to carry out this conversion process correctly and avoid costly tax errors. There are very subtle points in this process that if you do not know them very well, they may incur costs chargeable to you. For example, suppose you’ve rolled a 401(k) balance from an old employer into an IRA this year. In this case, if you also do a Backdoor Roth, you will wrap up owing taxes.


Backdoor Roth IRA allows high earners to have Roth IRA accounts indirectly. This situation illustrates a significant tax loophole. High-income taxpayers can not open Roth IRA accounts directly because of Roth IRA income limits. But, traditional IRA doesn’t have such limits and does not prevent people with higher incomes from contributing.

The Backdoor Roth IRA takes advantage of this fact and helps you maximize your retirement savings. Keep in mind that it is not a simple and straightforward process, but it is very complicated and twisty. For help in fulfilling your Backdoor Roth IRA correctly and avoiding costly mistakes, please consult a financial planner or tax advisor.

“If you have any feedback about what is a backdoor Roth IRA that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.