Personal Finance Wellness.

You won't be free until you are financially free!

Archives 2021

Your health

Your Health Is Your Real Wealth.

A culture that makes us think health is a real asset is commendable. A healthy body is defined as the body’s overall ability to function well, including physical, mental, emotional, and social health. When one builds health, one holds the key to happiness.

Wealth is not something that money can buy:

The first wealth is health. Health is the first and foremost foundation of everyone’s life because, without health, no one can enjoy a decent life. Even the wealthiest people can not enjoy their lives if they do not understand the importance of health in their lives. Money can not compensate for the importance of health in anyone’s life.

Health is based on many factors such as social, genetic, and financial factors. We can say that health is a prerequisite for a happy life.

Physical health depends on several factors, including regular drinking of water, exercise, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep and breathing, and the prevailing thoughts we often have. A healthy life also depends on the people you spend time with. Many factors affect this, and if one of these components is not in good condition, it may affect our health.

Health was previously described as “the ability to function well.” But over time, the definition of health has changed. Being healthy does not necessarily mean being physically fit, but it does mean general fitness, including emotional, mental, and social stability. Health is real wealth. The main components of a healthy body that help the body function have several features. The most important factor is physical health. Physical health is a condition in which the body has no disease or disability. When one is in good physical condition, one tends to live a long life. The best way to stay physically fit is to have a balanced diet. Consuming essential nutrients in the right amounts helps a person manage their physical health.

The next essential component is daily exercise. To help your body stay fit, you should never forget to exercise, even if it is ten minutes. Continued consumption of unhealthy foods is not recommended at all. Avoid alcohol and smoking because it endangers your health. It is also highly recommended getting enough sleep and rest in harmony with the body and not use the phone and smartphone too much.

The next component is health, mental health, or mental well-being. Mental health is the emotional and mental state of a person. A person’s mental well-being affects his feelings and behavior in managing the situation. The best-recommended way to stay mentally healthy is to remain positive and meditate. Consequently, communication, social and cognitive health is of great importance in the general state of the individual’s well-being and health. One maintains one’s social well-being by communicating effectively with others. A person who participates in communities and has a friendly nature is said to be socially healthy.

Similarly, a person’s cognitive health refers to the regular functioning of mental processes that lead to an effective health state. To achieve this goal and eat healthy food, one must play brain-boosters such as puzzles, riddles, chess, and so on. It helps the person to keep their brain ready and fresh.

A healthy body is a sign of a healthy mind. Being healthy includes mental health, but people do not consider mental disorders to be a problem. Psychological well-being is just as important as physical well-being. When people talk about psychological issues, it immediately has an adverse effect.

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Parents often focus only on the physical needs of their children. They cover wounds and injuries and feed their children with nutritious and good food. However, they usually do not notice the deteriorating health of their child. It is because they do not think that mental health is a critical issue for their children.

Even among adults, one cannot quickly diagnose mental health. It is due to the lack of awareness among the people. Therefore, one should try to identify the symptoms related to mental problems and plan to solve or improve the situation. A laughing person is not always a happy person.

One aspect of health is the health of our capital; Self-confidence, intelligence, knowledge, intellectual capital, flexibility, and non-prejudice, being happy as a member of the family. These are examples of personal capital that every rich person should strengthen. These traits are often referred to as personal development or personality development.

Wealth and health Values are also one of the most critical aspects of health that should be considered. This type of wealth is harder to obtain and increase than other wealth types, but it is the most valuable and more sustainable. This wealth allows family members to come together and form a family.

The originality that is often used in our culture for wealthy families refers to this type of capital. You understand very well that not every wealthy family is considered genuine. Noble families have been affluent from generation to generation with cultural capital, in the sense that cultural and value capital has guaranteed such families’ wealth. High originality, honor, and culture cannot be easily achieved, but they are not easily lost when they are acquired. We must be very careful about our human values and take this issue seriously.

Tips for maintaining a healthy life:

  • Sport:

Good health is achieved and maintained through exercise. You can exercise regularly in any gym. However, too much activity is also unhealthy and harmful. Exercise should be done periodically and should be a maximum of 1 or 1 hour and a half.

  • Early morning walk:

For doing the best exercise, you should be waking up early in the morning and walking.

  • Play:

To be healthy and stay healthy at least once a week, you should play outdoor games.

  • Balanced diet:

Our diet should be balanced. We have to get proper food. Generally, the food we eat is sufficient for health, if we consume it fresh and in the right amount. Overeating is very harmful. We have to eat at regular hours. Another thing about food is that we should not skip any of our meals. Foods eaten in a hurry are not well digested.

  • Rest and comfortable sleep:

Another factor about health is that we need to rest and sleep on time. Going to bed early and waking up early is the golden rule of health. A person who works too hard and does not sleep or sleeps less to earn more money will endanger his health.

  • Get rid of anxiety:

The best formula for being healthy is to free your mind as much as possible from all the extra worries and anxieties. One who is exhausted from grief cannot sleep well.


Health is wealth; As Mahatma Gandhi put it, “Health is real wealth, not gold and silver.” Therefore, a healthy person is a happy person. Many people do not realize its importance as long as they enjoy it. In this article, we talked about health values. We hope you enjoy reading it.

“If you have any feedback about your health is your real wealth that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


How Spending Cash Can Save You Money!

Saving is a topic that is much easier said than done and started. We all know that saving for a long time is a smart thing to do. However, many of us still have trouble getting started and saving.

Saving has many benefits over simple, basic savings, but it also has more hassle. People who save money smartly need to know how to increase their income just as much as they need to know how to spend it.

How to spend less money in life?

We know you’ve probably heard of this before, but we bet you haven’t tried it carefully. We want to look at the following options to think about how you can spend less money in life with a thumb account throughout the year.

There are generally two strategies for financial advancement. The first is to make more money, which is the most obvious way. The second solution is to reduce costs. Between the two, saving money is more valuable. So before you spend your money right away, use the simple method we introduce in this article to reduce your expenses.

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In recent years, credit cards have entered the banking system rapidly, and a large percentage of people use credit cards for their transactions. But cash still plays a substantial role in many cases. There are still people who do not trust credit cards, and cash is their only option.

Disadvantages of credit cards

One of the disadvantages of these cards is the interest that the cardholder has to pay to the bank. If a person uses the credit of his card, he has to pay interest on the amount he has withdrawn from the card to the bank.

Another is that having credit cards increases people’s motivation to buy, so it still increases costs. It means that people have a card with which they can buy a relatively large amount.

The credit amount of this card is much more than a limited amount of cash that you can keep and carry in your handbag, so with these cards, you will probably find more incentive to buy because you do not have the limitation of using cash.

Today, credit card use is very common in developed countries, but in some countries, the conditions for obtaining a credit card are more difficult than all of them.

Why use cash?

By using cash instead of a bank card, people are spending less money. On average, people spend 18% less cash than bank cards.

There are several reasons for this: Cash creates the emotional attachment. When you spend it, you realize it. Second, when you give cash, you know that if it runs out, you will not have any more money, so you calculate how much is left.

As much as stinginess causes suffering, and spending too many causes regret. If spending has become a problem in your life and you are worried about the big money you are wasting every month, if you are out of control of your expenses, the first and easiest way is to carry as much money as you need every day.

In this way, you will both frustrate potential bag thieves and save a lot of money. This rule also applies to bank cards. You do not always have to have a bank card in your pocket.

You can choose an envelope or box to save cash. When you receive your monthly salary, you can put cash in these envelopes. With this system, you can put a sum of money in different envelopes every month. Write on each of these envelopes what the money in it will be spent on? For example, put an envelope for your monthly purchase, an envelope for groceries, and so on.

With this category, you know how much you spend each month. You may think that by doing so there is a possibility of stealing cash. It is true. But you are not going to put all the money you have in these envelopes. It is to manage your money. It will help you to know how much and for what you have spent.

Advantages of using cash

One of the main benefits of paying in cash is that you do not have to pay any additional taxes or fees.

Prevents sudden purchases:

It is not possible to pay with cash and spend all the money you have in your pocket. Cash payments prevent purchases you do not need.

Understand the value of money better by paying in cash. Seeing every dollar spent on your wallet makes you think and encourages you to save.

You learn to manage when you work with cash. You will learn to manage your money and end your month with whatever amount of money you have.

Says Sam Zises, a successful entrepreneur:

Using cash instead of credit cards will help you save money. When you have physical money in your hands, you will be more conservative and make better decisions.

Cash Tips:

Carrying cash may be a little difficult, but it does reduce costs and avoid additional costs. It eliminates the need for credit cards and reduces your purchasing options and final monthly fee.

You can use wallets that have several places to store money to carry cash. If it is difficult for you to carry all your monthly fee in your wallet, you can take the money you need for a week.

If you are married, it may be difficult for two people to carry and budget cash. If you are married, use the method of keeping money in the envelope mentioned above. When using cash in these envelopes, let your spouse know so that none of you encounter an empty envelope.


Saving is one way to create financial security or mental security for the so-called snowy days of life. Savings are: “The amount of money that remains after deducting expenses from each person’s expendable income.” It is a positive number for cautious people. Certainly knowing the savings tricks and how to use them will determine parts of a person’s personal life. In this article, we introduced one of the best ways to save money, which is to use cash. We hope you find this article useful.

“If you have any feedback about how spending cash can save you money ideas that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Social security

What Is Full Retirement Age For Social Security?

We are eager to expand our knowledge on the issues that seem relevant and beneficial for our lives. We tend to do this by learning and studying new things everyday. But when it comes to finance it may seem a bit challenging in the beginning because it requires a lot of energy and calculation through our journey. Besides, trying to learn stuff, we expose ourselves to false information from time to time.

That’s why we’re offering our articles in our website to make you gradually more confident and stable. Abstaining from false information and understanding the value of learning on your own, you’ll get to the point that education is the best thing that we can ever have.

Lets put everything aside for a while, today’s topic will be on “what is full retirement age for social security” ? As stated in the title, we’ll once again point some important steps regarding our topic in the article While doing that, we’ll concentrate on some useful sources such as SSA information pack and various articles online and offline. For that reason we hope that you get the best out of it.

Starting with the question what is full retirement age for social security, we can simply answer that saying The full retirement age is 66 if you were born from 1943 to 1954. The full retirement age increases gradually if you were born from 1955 to 1960 until it reaches 67. For anyone born 1960 or later, full retirement benefits are payable at age 67. This data has been taken from Anyone who is interested to take a look or have a deeper research about the subject can use that link we stated above.

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That was the brief answer for the question. If we want to broaden our perspective on that topic, we can diversify our sources with the related surveys and investigations. Of course when we include taxes or medicare to the equation, our calculations may differ. Because while we are trying to understand the benefits or incomes, we should not exclude calculating the costs or outcomes as we have seen before in our previous articles.

As stated below, there is more information about the tax issue when you retire.

Your benefits may be taxable About 40 percent of people who get Social Security have to pay income taxes on their benefits. For example:

• If you file a federal tax return as an “individual,” and your combined income is between $25,000 and $34,000, you may have to pay taxes on up to 50 percent of your Social Security benefits. If your combined income is more than $34,000, up to 85 percent of your Social Security benefits is subject to income tax.

• If you file a joint return, you may have to pay taxes on 50 percent of your benefits if you and your spouse have a combined income between $32,000 and $44,000. If your combined income is more than $44,000, up to 85 percent of your Social Security benefits is subject to income tax.

• If you’re married and file a separate return, you’ll probably pay taxes on your benefits. At the end of each year, we’ll mail you a Social Security

Considering this issue we should calculate everything beforehand. Because it changes the equation pretty straightforward. If you want to have a deeper understanding about the subject, you can visit their website. Below we’ll continue with the medicare questions when you retire.

Medicare is a health insurance plan for people who are age 65 or older. However, you can get Medicare at any age if:

• You’ve been entitled to Social Security disability benefits for 24 months.

• You have End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant), or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

When should I apply for Medicare? If you’re not already getting benefits, you should contact Social Security about three months before your 65th birthday to sign up for Medicare. You should sign up for Medicare even if you don’t plan to retire at age 65 to avoid the late enrollment penalty.

As you can see above when we add taxes and medicare to the equation the benefits may exceed the costs. In our financial independence journey, we’ll do our best to calculate every point that will help us in the process. Remember our previous articles and enjoy the moments as you improve yourself on finance.

Finishing our words we once again want to thank you for reading. We also appreciate the time and effort that you put in to have a broader understanding about finance. If we can help you with that writing our articles we’ll be glad. From your feedback we understand that we’re creating something valuable here for the future. İmproving and developing our readers with the necessary articles is what we want to achieve when we have a long term view.

As the last thing we have one more quote about the earnings of social security. Below you’ll see necessary information about the earnings plan. You can evaluate this as a positive approach towards social security. But it’s all up to you. Because you decide the best studying your lesson and knowing the positive and negative sides of social security in brief and finance in general.


Social Security replaces a percentage of a worker’s pre-retirement income based on their lifetime earnings. The amount of your average wages that Social Security retirement benefits replaces varies depending on your earnings and when you choose to start benefits. If you start benefits at age 67, this percentage ranges from as much as 75 percent for very low earners, to about 40 percent for medium earners, and about 27 percent for high earners. If you start benefits earlier than age 67, these percentages would be lower, and after age 67 they’d be higher. Most financial advisers say you will need about 70 percent of pre-retirement income to live comfortably in retirement, including your Social Security benefits, investments, and other personal savings.

Thank you for reading…

“If you have any feedback about what is full retirement age for social security that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Down payment

How To Save For Down Payment?

Developing a passion for never-ending learning is what we want to achieve in the long term. But we tend to get discouraged because of the obstacles we see on the road. We understand the value of what we have experienced valuable before but sometimes it may be too late because we’re living in a result-oriented world. Besides, people mostly want results in the short term. But if you look at most of the smart investors out there you’ll see that it is their long term mindset that makes them unique for the most part. We believe that we are doing our best to help you have this long term mindset with our articles.

If you agree with us, keep on reading because we have something important to say as always. Here comes the topic of today. How to save for down payment ? This crucial question will be our basis for today’s article. Together with the framework as we mostly have, we’ll deconstruct every element in the question and try to help you get the most out of it. So if you’re ready, make yourself comfortable because your never-ending enthusiasm is about to get triggered once again.

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In order to understand the question of How to save for down payment we should first understand it deeper for sure. What does it mean ? It simply means the ways you can use to save for deposit. Why is it useful then ? Because as we mentioned earlier it’ll increase the amount of savings you have in the long term, also you’ll develop an understanding based on that concept. That’s why it’s useful and we should examine it deeper. This is the moment that we get into the stage and give you some useful tips about how to save for down payment.

We’ll divide the article into different sections so that you’ll have understanding of major themes keeping in mind that our main framework is to develop our understanding based on our desire for financial independence.

To begin with we’ll emphasize the importance of transferring a specific amount into your private savings accounts per month. When you do that you’ll automate your savings and enjoy the increasing benefits in your account gradually. This is the first aspect that we want to emphasize on the question of saving for a down payment.

Secondly, we’ll kindly recommend you to decrease your high interest dept rate, you should abstain from debts as long as possible, quick money can be overwhelming in the beginning. But you can trust the fact that actually you’re paying more together with the interest in the long run. Of course ın order to do this, you should have this long term investing mindset that we stated continuously. As you can see here speaking about specific finance question, the road once again leads us to the importance of having a long term investing mindset.

Thirdly, we’ll recommend that you should diversify the ways that you generate income. It can be getting a second job or starting your online enterprise, the examples vary but the important things is that we’ll save for down payment much quicker this way. Because we won’t be concentrating on our costs anymore, since our incomes will exceed our spending. By the time we manage that we’ll be one of the smart investors that can diversify and manage their savings. I know that it’s challenging in the beginning and it’s said than done, but if it were easy it wouldn’t be pleasing to us. This is a fact that we should all accept.

Moving on with the next example, you can search various ways of getting down payment assistance from states. Some institutions may help you with the down payments. You can have your research on qualifying with the federal administrations. It’ll broaden your perspective and bring a new element to our calculations. Our brain is like the main component of all the softwares in our body. With this new update we hope that ıt’ll carry you to your financial success.

Next we want to specify the importance of deals. We mostly tend to think that making a deal and trying to find best deal for your purchase is not that important. As long as we have the product or the service we’re happy enough not to question the dynamics that brought them to us. Once again thinking for the long term investing plan we should make a deal with the sellers or service providers. Because even if we agree with the market, supply and demand and fundamental concepts of economics as a science, we are sometimes mistaken because of the made up stories in the market.

Don’t fall into this trap and always ask for a deal when you interact with one of those sellers or service providers. It’ll increase the amount of savings in your down Payment account for sure. Besides, now you know what to do with this additional income you have as well, because you have been carrying out your studies more and more each time you read our website. Much appreciated.


To sum up, we first mentioned the importance of transferring a specific amount to your account. Then we moved on with the cutting off the dept with an interest rate, then we made it clear for you that diversifying your incomes are crucial for saving, down payment assistance was another important term that we stated and lastly getting a proper deal for the things we demand. These were the crucial concepts in today’s article. And we hope that you get the most out of it.

Now you know different methods of saving for down payment. You also know crucial tools for developing your long term investing mindset. We hope that you’ll use them successfully in your future career. And if you happen to wonder how to thank us for these tips, you already know the answer. You can tell your brain to subscribe our website and you can keep coming for the next articles with the help of your natural notification system.

“If you have any feedback about how to save for down payment methods that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


What Is Asset Allocation And How To Do It?

What is meant by asset allocation?

The act of dividing the capital into several segments and expanding the asset portfolio is called asset allocation. In general, capital divides into several categories: cash, securities, stocks, and capital assets such as real estate and automobiles.

Each of these has its characteristics, and as a result, different strategies need to purchase and maintain them.

Asset allocation terms are used interchangeably. However, they point to different aspects of risk management. Asset allocation uses to describe a type of money management strategy that describes how capital distributes among asset classes in an investment portfolio. Diversification, on the other hand, describes the allocation of capital in those assets.

The main goal of these strategies is to maximize the expected returns while minimizing the potential risk.

These strategies include determining the investor’s investment time, risk tolerance, and sometimes taking into account broader economic conditions.

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Simply put, the main idea of asset allocation and diversification strategies is to keep all your eggs in one basket. Combining types of assets and unrelated assets is the most effective way to create a balanced portfolio.

What strengthens the combination of these two strategies is that risk is distributed not only between different asset classes but also within those assets. Even some financial experts believe that determining the strategy of asset allocation is more important than choosing individual investments.

Asset allocation model, tailored to your taste:

Although it is always advisable to own an asset (I.e., stocks, or real estate) rather than a capital lender (I.e., equity securities), exceptions can be made depending on the circumstances. For example, consider a retiree who has a capital of about a hundred dollars, is not looking to raise funds and start a new business, and wants to earn a living and a little increase in welfare.

In this way, he will prefer to make a safe investment by buying bonds and earning a profit; while a young employee who has just graduated from university is very thirsty to increase his capital. He takes stock of market fluctuations and steps forward with all his might to develop his fund because he does not need daily living expenses, and as a result, he will seek more prosperity with risky investments. Accordingly, the asset allocation model should be reasonably proportional to your view of investing.

All investment markets are risky and commensurate with their returns; In other words, there is no risk-free investment. However, it is possible to make a safer investment with “asset allocation” because these markets are not affected by the same factors and have different risks. In simple terms, asset allocation means the financial resources division between different asset groups, such as stocks, participation bonds, investment funds, real estate, deposits, and other investment places.

In this way, real estate may increase in price at the end of the year, while stock market shares will decline, as a result of which real estate profits will offset the stock loss. Also, each of the investment groups should divide into various sub-branches alone. For example, if you allocate 40% of your capital to a stock exchange, we recommended that you use this “asset allocation” to purchase various shares.

In summary, asset allocation is key to the success of an investment for the following reasons:

1. Expand and diversify your assets to be in the best position to achieve financial goals; considering what your investment horizon is and how risky you are.

2. According to data from mutual funds and research, 90% of the different portfolio results go back to how their assets are allocated, contrary to what most people think.

Types of asset allocation models:

In general, according to the goals of investors, consider four models for asset allocation; Included: capital maintenance, income, balanced, and growth.

  • Capital conservation:

This model is suitable for those who want to return on their deposits for all twelve months of the year and are not willing to risk a little on the principal. These people usually spend their money to pay for university tuition, buy a car or start a new business; therefore, they consider the capital preservation model. In fact, in this model, the investor wants to increase his capital in such a way that the least risk is realized on the principle of fund. To achieve this, it makes deposits or investments that have high security with low returns.

  • Income:

Portfolios that embedded for monetization include fixed-income investments, such as bonds or stocks of large and established companies that earn a reasonable and, of course, fixed profit each year. People who are about to retire generally follow this pattern. Another example is a family with a single mother caring for several young children. In this case, the mother’s family probably has no income source other than her husband’s insurance and does not want to incur much risk on the principal.

  • Balanced:

A balanced portfolio is a model between capital and income models. For most people, this model is the best option, because the reason for this choice is more psychological than financial. After all, a person with a conservative investment does not expect sudden capital growth. In this case, the investor pursues two goals, on the one hand, long-term capital growth and on the other hand, earning a steady income. A mix of fixed-income assets with low volatility growth is an ideal target for such investors. These people generally invest in two asset groups, including medium-term deposits and the purchase of shares of leading listed companies (most of these companies pay a fixed annual dividend, and their stock value fluctuates slightly with long-term growth).

  • Development:

The growth asset allocation model is suitable for someone who is just starting and looking to increase their investment in the long run. In this case, the capital does not require a fixed income for the investor, because he earns enough income from his workplace to make a living. Therefore, this model is suitable for people who are at risk and mainly younger. In fact, investors who follow this model do not seek the company’s annual profit by buying its shares but seek to increase the value of the purchased shares by bearing higher risk.


Asset allocation and diversification are one of the key concepts in the theory of modern portfolio management strategies.

The main goal of developing an asset allocation strategy is to maximize the expected returns while minimizing risk. Risk distribution among asset classes increases portfolio returns.

Finally, we conclude that even for personal investments, we must pay close attention to how our assets arrange in different categories.

“If you have any feedback about what is asset allocation and how to do it that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


How To Save For Retirement?

Our infinite desire for information brings us closer. We have built civilizations based on that desire. Throughout history we have seen a gradual and sharp increase in this desire. Today, starting from our finance site, to various sources online, you can feed this desire by studying what’s written in a detailed way, or you can do your own research understanding the major themes that we are trying to emphasize.

Today’s topic of research will be the question of How to save for retirement ? You probably have so many questions about the topic. In this journey we’ll do our best to ease your challenges and supply necessary information for your future research as stated in our previous articles. Basically you’ll once again send your positive feedback after your reading session ends. It’s because of the power of these words that we see our readers broaden their perspective and we believe the fact that you’ll keep doing that because our passion to write stems from you.

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Back to our topic of the day, In this article you’ll find the necessary information you’re looking for the question of How to save for retirement ? and the mindset you wish to have for the long term. We’ll diversify our content framework again by referring different studies to you as well. So you can make yourself comfortable and we can start our journey.

First of all before staring we should be aware of the term of compounding interest. It’s a term that you should know before investing at all because it has such a powerful effect on your savings. Understanding this term better will make you better understand the concept of savings in general throughout your life.

So adding compounding interest to the equation we can now say that you should start to save for retirement as soon as possible. The earlier you start saving the more savings you will have. This will be our first rule. Because studies show that if you start at 25 for example you’ll have more savings with compounding interest compared to a person starting to save at 35. Let’s say you put 75 USD per month starting from the age of 25, another person starts at 35 and puts 100 USD per month. By the age of 65 you’ll have accumulated 263,571 USD whereas the other person starting at 35 with 100 USD will have accumulated 150,030 USD. Can you see the breaking point here. That’s called compounding interest. You can diversify your research on that topic and it’ll spike your understanding on finance for sure.

Secondly we can say that the 401(k) comes with various advantages as well. Let’s say that you are entitled to have traditional 401(k) it can help you contribute your pretax money, which can be extremely helpful if you know how to affect the dynamics of 401(k) plan.

Thirdly you can think that opening an individual retirement account (IRA) will bring you various benefits as well such as after-tax contributions, including earnings, federal tax-free conditions and son Combining two facilities and one concept we stated above together, we can clearly see the importance of having those facilities. For example one of the best aspects of starting to save earlier together with IRA and 401(k) is that yearly contributions of IRA’s and 401(k) plans are limited. But when you reach 50 you’re eligible to exceed normal limits and you can boost the amount of savings you have each year gradually.

The next crucial aspect we want to mention is that you need to automate your savings, if you do that you will not feel compelled when you are in control of your accounts. Always have the mindset of saving before spending. That’s when automation hops into the stage, and makes this phrase real and useful for our lives.

Besides, your contribution rate is also one of the important part of the process. If you have like $50.000 annual salary, you’ll have different contribution options including 4%, 5%, 6%. Just by raising the contribution rate from 4% to 6% you will have added $101.000 to your total balance when you retire.

These were the crucial aspects of the question of How to save for retirement in brief. As the last thing, we want to mention some more concepts that we think will be beneficial for you. Firstly you need to cut your spending and so that you’ll have more to invest, secondly always set your schedule and goals before you start to execute your programs. And lastly if you happen to get an unexpected funding somewhere, don’t just spend. This is the way we’ll build our future. And towards our goal every penny worth a million dollars. This mindset will make us financially independent investors, or smart investors as Benjamin graham stated.


As a conclusion, there are so many elements that you can put in retirement plan as you see above. We once again kindly ask you to study and have a deeper understanding of all these issues before investing in them. Our main motivation is to inform you with the main themes of finance.  If you But most importantly, you are learning to learn by yourself about finance. keep this mindset for the long term you will succeed for sure. These people that fail on their financial journey can show us the fact that it’s not because of their incapabilities, it mostly because they are not trying to learn by themselves.

Eventually they see that they are on the wrong side of the road. They spend more time and energy just to start all over again. That’s why we are publishing our articles with you. We don’t want you to be on the wrong side of the road until you learn to form your own road.

Finishing our words, we kindly thank you for your continuous support and feedback, as always we’ll keep bringing brand new topics for your interest as long as we have energy for it. We wish you a pleasant week…

“If you have any feedback about how to save for retirement ways that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

How much money

How Much Do I Need To Retire?

We all tend to think that we are the center of the universe. It may be beneficial for our self-confidence. But at the same time it may bring up various difficulties and challenges for our own future. That’s why as we mentioned before, it’s important to define our future goals when we have motivation for it. One of the most important topics regarding future is our own retirement for sure.

When we mention retirement, we mention our future as a whole, please keep that in mind. But managing your risks and having a never-ending enthusiasm about learning finance is a never-ending process. With our articles we aim to give you more comprehensive and deep knowledge about the questions you’re searching for. So if you’re ready for todays topic, make yourself comfortable because we’re about to start now.

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The debate about the amount of money you will need to retire is still ongoing. There are different expert opinions about the subject. But in this article we’ll highlight one of the most valuable ones for you. We’ll build our thesis on 4 items that we think will bring value to your financial independence journey.

First of all, most experts say that you will need about 80 percent of your total income savings before retirement to spend once you leave your job. So first you’ll need to define your costs and spendings. This is true for the most of the people waiting for their retirement.

Besides, the additional value they’ll get from their total retirement income can be applied to broaden their income models as well. Depending on this ? rule you can shape your savings and costs. However this is the first rule to keep in mind before moving on. In the next part you’ll see and understand how much money your savings will bring to your total income assets.

Secondly, we need to define the profit that will be coming from our savings. According to different surveys from major institutions, stock have created .29 including Great Depression and Great Recession periods, Bonds creating 5.33% whereas Treasury Bills creating 3% profit over the years. Keeping these accounts in mind can help us better understand the hidden value of our savings when it comes to retirement, and the question of how much do ı need to retire ?

Thirdly, one of the crucial questions that we may ask here is that, What’s the average life expectancy? Since it affects our plans, taking this question into account we can shape our future goals and increase the value of our assets or savings. Of course nobody is sure about their life-span on earth. But based on the averages we can use the data to help us better calculate and manage our savings.

At 65, according to Social Security an average man can expect to live another 18 years, whereas an average woman can expect to live another 20 years. In that case if you’re over 65, it might be a better idea to calculate the gains over different options that we mentioned above. We are not here to give financial advices to you. We’re just trying to present you an educational content and supply necessary tools for you to achieve greater financial success.

The last aspect we’ll focus on in our article is the importance of withdrawal amount from savings. There are numerous studies showing the importance of this issue, but the adjustment of the amount of the withdrawal might be challenging if you’re new to finance. That’s why we’re trying our best to carry out all the surveys that’s been wandering around online and offline. Searching for various new ways to support our thesis we found one crucial article from Trinity College, in their article of 1998, they emphasize 4% rule which can be shown with a better example below.

For example let’s say that you have $500.000 in your balance. That means you can withdraw $20.000 for the first year and adjust the amount according to inflation for the upcoming years. That rule coming from the study can be applied to our finance journey as well. Because unlike many it takes inflation into consideration as well. Inflation is always taking a piece from our savings gradually. That’s why when we mention inflation we’re trying to emphasize that it’s a negative thing for the individual investor. This study shown above is therefore important and we should consider this study as a beneficial tool that we can put in our kit.

As a conclusion we would like to finish and revise what we have shown in our article. First we focused on the importance of savings and spendings and the importance of calculating these for better financial results. Secondly we had a major understanding of how much we’ll earn from our savings, thirdly we tried to figure out the average life expectancy which could help us better analyse the financial calculations and results. Lastly we had a chance to take a look one of the most important surveys regarding withdrawal amount from savings. We emphasized that there were numerous studies about the issue but we tried to present our point with the most important one of these surveys.


Before finishing our words we once again hope that our article was able to bring some value to your life and your financial path. As stated above if you gradually study your lesson reading our educational content, you’ll achieve better results in the upcoming years. Revision and practice also make it better to see the results and get excitement from finance as a whole.

Once again thank you for reading and sharing your financial path with us. In our articles we always aim to do better to bring some value to your life. If you share your experience and give us some feedback it’ll even make us happier and stronger. When we get a positive feedback from our readers we’ll continue expanding your horizon with even more studies and articles.

“If you have any feedback about how much do I need to retire that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Living within

Why Is It Important To Live Within Your Means?

Having a deep understanding and knowledge about finance comes with it’s own challenges. To overcome these challenges, we need to increase our comprehensive studies. Nowadays we can do that with the advance of technology. It helps us to understand the terms better. But still it does not mean that we need to forget old techniques and methods. In our article you’ll find the synthesis of these two methods regarding finance. The benefits you’ll get will increase the excitement you’ll have reading these sentences.

To understand the term better, ‘’living within your means’’ we first need to focus on our sentence and analyze it deeper. ‘’Living within your means’’ simply means that you need to consume less than you produce. In other words your income should exceed your outcomes. When we deconstruct the sentence like this theoretically, obviously it sounds easier as if we can perform and realize everything that is written here.

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On the other hand, when it comes to applying these theories into practice most of us fail. Because it’s the mindset that we should have for the long term. Comparing all these rich and smart people that succeeded, most of the people give up in the beginning or without even trying at all. It’s because they don’t share the same mindset with the rich people. It’s not a fault or mistake by the way. But that’s why we have our educational content for you. We want you to get more education reading our website.

To make our point even more striking, we have a quote for you from Warren Buffet, the greatest investor of all times. He says in his famous speech that ‘’If you buy the things you don’t need, soon you’ll have to sell things you need’’ Our point could not be clearer with this quote from Warren Buffet. What he is trying to say in this quote is that, ıf you consume more than you produce wealth or value, soon you’ll also lose what you have consumed. It shows the importance of creating value or wealth before consuming. That’s why we’re trying to share with you the mindset of living within your means.

So far you’ve seen the meaning of the term ‘’living within your means’’ , the importance of having this mindset throughout your finance career and your life , you’ve also seen a crucial quote from the most famous financier of all times. Now if you absorbed everything that was written and want to learn more, we’ll teach you how to do it step by step. But please keep in mind that you’re in a self learning process. We are just helping you to learn on your own with our studies. So if you’re sharing the same mindset and ready for the next part. Let’s move on with our next chapter.

In order to thrive in living within your means you first need to concentrate on your incomes. That’s the first part of this journey. In other words you need to calculate the earnings you make in a day, a week, a month etc. If you have a detailed chart of your earnings. It will make it easier for you be more scheduled and spend less in the process.

After the calculations are done, we’ll concentrate on decreasing our spending, as mentioned before, our incomes should exceed our outcomes. That’s why our second object will be cutting our spending and increasing our income. After you consume less and cut your spending, we’ll focus on increasing our income. There are various methods for that. We canmainly do that by creating different income models, such as creating websites, streaming online, trading, commerce, marketing.

These aspects of online business models will help you build passive income for your future and it will also help you to create additional value and income. But don’t forget that the key point here is to first focus on decreasing your spending first and increasing your income. Online models are just one of the fastest growing models for creating an income. There are also different models that you can apply in your area or neighborhood. The ideas differ and they’re all acceptable as long as you put some additional value in it.

After doing our calculations and spending our cutting, the last objective we’ll focus will be to stop depending on debts as a whole. Debts can include credits or the regular funding coming with an interest. It’s crucial to abstain from interest rates since together with the inflation it’s one of the aspects of causing you lose money. If you remember our previous sentences, our main objective was to stay away from extra spending, Besides, these spending with an interest rate will even cost you more in total when you consume more.


To sum up, through your journey to your financial independence, it may feel tough to change your habits in the beginning, but together with the advices you get from our website and related articles, you’ll get a deeper understanding and shape your mindset for the future goals. Taking notes, reading, doing your research and studying more with a practice make your goals even clearer. It’s all up to the effort you put in to realize these goals.

In this article we shared 3 main objectives with you to help you achieve your financial independence. We first introduced the idea of defining your incomes clearly, secondly we made it clear why it’s important to cut your spending and lastly we highlighted why you should abstain from additional costs such as interest rates and debt payments. We hope that you found it helpful and aspiring. Taking these into accounts, we wish you a better future building your wealth. Our next chapter will be about How much do you need to retire ? Please take a look at our next article as well. We are doing our best to help you achieve your goals.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned…

“If you have any feedback about why is it important to live within your means that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.



How To Pick Investments For 401k?

What is program 401 (k) and how does it work?

401(k) is a retirement savings and investment account provided by employers and is highly taxable. In Scheme 401 (k), contributions are automatically deducted from your paycheck and invested in the field you choose (from the list of available offers).

According to the rates set in 2020 and 2021, you can pay a maximum of $19,500 per year ($26,000 for people over 50). The biggest drawback of this program is the limited design costs and options you have to invest.

By subscribing to the automatic deduction from the payroll, you are helping your personal account. Depending on the plan you choose, the tax deduction is either paid when you retire or when you retire.

Do you always have to use 401 (k) at work if you have one?

First of all, try to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of workplace retirement plans in order to make the best investment according to them and make sure that you will have a lot of money when you reach retirement. 401 (k) is one of the most powerful retirement and savings programs in the world. If you have the chance to work in a place where your employer offers you a 401k program, be sure to take this opportunity.

Unfortunately, this perspective often causes us to become overwhelmed when it’s time to start a project. Like many people, you may be wondering what will happen to your account if you lose your job, or you may not be able to make the most of your retirement plan because you are not an investment specialist.

In this section, we want to talk about some of the pros and cons of 401(k). You will learn some lesser known benefits and tips to save a lot of money when you retire.

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Although we said earlier that 401(k) is an investment and retirement account provided by the employer, keep in mind that if you are self-employed and have no employees, you can have a similar account called (401k solo). In this program, you pay part of your salary or income check and choose one of the savings and investment options such as CDs, stock funds, bond funds and money market funds to grow your account.

These retirement accounts give you a good tax return by participating in pre-tax payments, which reduces your annual tax revenue and tax debt. You defer payment of corporate income tax and account income until you receive it in retirement.

At Roth Retirement Accounts you are required to pay tax on your contributions in advance. But your next impressions are tax-free investment income. Roth 401(k or 403 (b) is similar to the Roth IRA. However, unlike the Roth IRA, there is no income limit to be eligible, and high-income people can participate and enjoy the benefits.

Pros of 401 (k) retirement plan at work:

Many of you who are reading this article are working for a company that offers 401(k) program but you are still hesitant to sign up because you do not know if you will leave the company or quit your job. What will happen? But I want to reassure you about using the 401 (k) because there are more advantages than disadvantages.

1. Having federal legal protection

Eligible retirement plans are regulated by the 1974 Employee Retirement Insurance Act (ERISA). The law sets standards for employers and managers who offer retirement plans.

According to this law, when leaving the employer, you can take your pension funds with you and pay your new employer’s pension plan without paying taxes. Note, however, that in your country of residence, IRA assets may not be legally covered by the work plan.

2. Get matching funds

A notable feature of this program is that many employers who offer a retirement plan pay a similar contribution. Therefore, these additional funds will greatly increase the value of your account. Try to choose your 401(k) partnerships in a way that maximizes an employer’s compliance.

3. Having a high annual participation ceiling

Once you have contributed enough to reap the benefits of each 401(k) match, you can increase your savings rate and pursue bigger goals. A good plan is to save at least 10 to 15% of your gross income.

Most retirement plans have this feature, which is automatically renewed annually. In fact, at the beginning of each year, your participation percentage increases. You can set your contributions to increase by 1% per year until it reaches 15%. This way you can have a happy and secure retirement.

4. Get free investment advice

Most retirement plan providers are large brokerages such as Fidelity or Vanguard, and provide resources such as online assessments and free consultants. Take advantage of this opportunity and use custom advice to choose the best investment according to your financial situation, age and risk tolerance. In fact, the more time you have, or the more risk you bear, the more stocks you should have.

Cons of investing in a 401 (k) retirement plan at work:

Although there are tremendous benefits to investing in a retirement plan, there are three things to keep in mind.

1. Limited investment options

Compared to other retirement accounts, you have fewer investment options. On the other hand, having limited investment options makes the decision easier for you.

2. Higher account costs

Depending on the administrative process required by employer-sponsored retirement plans, they may incur high costs and you have little control over what you have to pay. Of course, you can choose low-cost index funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs) to reduce costs.

3. You must pay for early withdrawals

The biggest disadvantage of putting money in a retirement account is that you are typically penalized 10% for withdrawals before retirement age. In fact, you only need to enter a budget into a retirement account that you do not need for your daily living expenses.

Choose your 401 (k) investment:

A 401(k) account offers about 10 or 12 mutual funds, although some programs may offer dozens of options, including target date funds.

If you want to buy from a fund that has performed well, look at its performance over the past years, for example the last ten years, and usually choose funds that cost less than that.


In conclusion, the world of investing is unknown to many 401(k) participants, so it is important to learn some principles. Even if you do not intend to raise funds yourself, learning about your options can save you money. Save and even help you earn more money.

“If you have any feedback about how to pick investments for 401k that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


How Do I Diversify My Retirement Savings?

As you know, working in retirement is not possible, and you may not be able to continue working due to old age or anything else so how much better to start today and think about those days. The more you try now, the more calm and comfortable those days will be. In this case, you no longer have to worry about how to cover your expenses.

Naturally, you can not rely on a small salary and benefits in retirement; so pack your bags now and start saving for those days. Join us as we explore ways to help you diversify your retirement savings with other assets.

Tomorrow is late; start saving today:

You may think that it is impossible to save money, despite the expenses that exist, and you have to spend a large part of it on your living expenses. But you should know that this is difficult but not impossible. So it is better to start today because the value of your assets will increase after a while.

If you try to save money from today, you will have to save less money for your future savings because the value of your money decreases over time. To save your money, try to create a bank account, apart from the one with which you spend the rest of your expenses, and transfer your savings to that account every month.

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Reduce your costs:

To reduce your expenses, try to start with fewer costs. You can start with simple tasks. When shopping, avoid things that you do not need and want to do, so you can gradually reduce your monthly expenses.

Rest assured that your living conditions will not change and will not be affected in the slightest by reducing the small items and unnecessary items because you are just used to having those expenses. Believe that these small changes you make in your tax habits will bring you great and good results over time.

Don’t forget budgeting:

You might think that budgeting means spending less in life and having no fun. But it is not. The truth is that budgeting means controlling and managing your money. If you know what a positive effect this has on you and your thoughts, you can start planning for your money right now.

For the first step, try to write down your general goals on paper and then start budgeting according to them and set a cost for everything exactly and try to stick to it. Remember, budgeting is like a roadmap that will help you save money in the long run.

Avoid getting into debt:

Whether you like it or not, debt can keep you from saving for your future. You need to try to correct this habit and change your behaviors. In this case, you will be less affected by this problem. Many are trapped in debt and forced to do so because of problems that happen in their lives, or sometimes they make hasty intimacies. Consider that if you encounter such a problem, you can settle your debt with money management. You also need to use other means to get less debt. It is simple; Forget loans that have high-interest rates and hurt you a lot.

Never borrow money to buy unnecessary items. Always try to be prudent and plan for a future that may cause problems. Also, plan to consult experienced and expert people. They can clearly show you a clear picture of the future and share their experiences. However, if you always try to manage your money, rest assured that you will not have to deal with debt.

Don’t forget to invest:

If you look closely at those who have invested in your area, whether in small areas or more lucrative and better conditions, you will realize how much it has benefited them. Like many people, you may think that the easiest thing to do is to deposit money in a bank and be satisfied with the monthly and annual earnings. But there are other ways to invest that may be more profitable or even more principled. You need to try to find a way that is the least risky for you and will increase the value of your money and capital in the future.

One of these ways is to invest in the stock market, which experience has proven to be a very profitable way and has many advantages. But the most important thing to remember is to avoid investments that you do not trust and avoid potential risks. Always try to get the necessary information before taking action and consult with experts in this field to find the best way to invest.

Have life insurance:

One of the ways to invest in life insurance is to be very helpful during your retirement. You can insurance both yourself and your spouse with life and enjoy the benefits. By doing this, you will be covered by medical services from the first day of insurance. You will even receive a premium and interest. By doing this, after several long years, you have a significant amount that will help you at the time of retirement.

Do not spend on your savings:

The last point is to try not to touch your savings at any time and under any circumstances. Even if something very urgent and necessary happened, try to think differently. If you spend from your savings account for the first time, it will open, and you may one day see the result of all your efforts over the years, all wasted. Always tell yourself that this money is for my retirement.

Another disadvantage of doing this is that by withdrawing money from your savings account, your profit will be reduced, and you will no longer have savings in the future. So if you have to do this one day, try to find an alternative. If you want to think about such days in advance, you can alleviate this potential problem by increasing your income or doing another job.


In this article we talked about saving methods for retirement. What have you done for your retirement, and what are your suggestions? Please share your opinions and experiences with us.

“If you have any feedback about how can i diversify my retirement savings that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.