Personal Finance Wellness.

You won't be free until you are financially free!

Living within

Why Is It Important To Live Within Your Means?

Having a deep understanding and knowledge about finance comes with it’s own challenges. To overcome these challenges, we need to increase our comprehensive studies. Nowadays we can do that with the advance of technology. It helps us to understand the terms better. But still it does not mean that we need to forget old techniques and methods. In our article you’ll find the synthesis of these two methods regarding finance. The benefits you’ll get will increase the excitement you’ll have reading these sentences.

To understand the term better, ‘’living within your means’’ we first need to focus on our sentence and analyze it deeper. ‘’Living within your means’’ simply means that you need to consume less than you produce. In other words your income should exceed your outcomes. When we deconstruct the sentence like this theoretically, obviously it sounds easier as if we can perform and realize everything that is written here.

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On the other hand, when it comes to applying these theories into practice most of us fail. Because it’s the mindset that we should have for the long term. Comparing all these rich and smart people that succeeded, most of the people give up in the beginning or without even trying at all. It’s because they don’t share the same mindset with the rich people. It’s not a fault or mistake by the way. But that’s why we have our educational content for you. We want you to get more education reading our website.

To make our point even more striking, we have a quote for you from Warren Buffet, the greatest investor of all times. He says in his famous speech that ‘’If you buy the things you don’t need, soon you’ll have to sell things you need’’ Our point could not be clearer with this quote from Warren Buffet. What he is trying to say in this quote is that, ıf you consume more than you produce wealth or value, soon you’ll also lose what you have consumed. It shows the importance of creating value or wealth before consuming. That’s why we’re trying to share with you the mindset of living within your means.

So far you’ve seen the meaning of the term ‘’living within your means’’ , the importance of having this mindset throughout your finance career and your life , you’ve also seen a crucial quote from the most famous financier of all times. Now if you absorbed everything that was written and want to learn more, we’ll teach you how to do it step by step. But please keep in mind that you’re in a self learning process. We are just helping you to learn on your own with our studies. So if you’re sharing the same mindset and ready for the next part. Let’s move on with our next chapter.

In order to thrive in living within your means you first need to concentrate on your incomes. That’s the first part of this journey. In other words you need to calculate the earnings you make in a day, a week, a month etc. If you have a detailed chart of your earnings. It will make it easier for you be more scheduled and spend less in the process.

After the calculations are done, we’ll concentrate on decreasing our spending, as mentioned before, our incomes should exceed our outcomes. That’s why our second object will be cutting our spending and increasing our income. After you consume less and cut your spending, we’ll focus on increasing our income. There are various methods for that. We canmainly do that by creating different income models, such as creating websites, streaming online, trading, commerce, marketing.

These aspects of online business models will help you build passive income for your future and it will also help you to create additional value and income. But don’t forget that the key point here is to first focus on decreasing your spending first and increasing your income. Online models are just one of the fastest growing models for creating an income. There are also different models that you can apply in your area or neighborhood. The ideas differ and they’re all acceptable as long as you put some additional value in it.

After doing our calculations and spending our cutting, the last objective we’ll focus will be to stop depending on debts as a whole. Debts can include credits or the regular funding coming with an interest. It’s crucial to abstain from interest rates since together with the inflation it’s one of the aspects of causing you lose money. If you remember our previous sentences, our main objective was to stay away from extra spending, Besides, these spending with an interest rate will even cost you more in total when you consume more.


To sum up, through your journey to your financial independence, it may feel tough to change your habits in the beginning, but together with the advices you get from our website and related articles, you’ll get a deeper understanding and shape your mindset for the future goals. Taking notes, reading, doing your research and studying more with a practice make your goals even clearer. It’s all up to the effort you put in to realize these goals.

In this article we shared 3 main objectives with you to help you achieve your financial independence. We first introduced the idea of defining your incomes clearly, secondly we made it clear why it’s important to cut your spending and lastly we highlighted why you should abstain from additional costs such as interest rates and debt payments. We hope that you found it helpful and aspiring. Taking these into accounts, we wish you a better future building your wealth. Our next chapter will be about How much do you need to retire ? Please take a look at our next article as well. We are doing our best to help you achieve your goals.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned…

“If you have any feedback about why is it important to live within your means that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.



How Working From Home Can Save You Money?

Lack of capital is one of the obstacles that many entrepreneurs are never thinking of starting a business. But this limitation does not mean that only money is important to start entrepreneurship! or even having an office and shop. Many entrepreneurs have started working from home and even home parking. Entrepreneurship with low capital is also possible if you have the right combination of marketing skills, ethics, and knowledge.

Working at home is now one of the most lucrative ways around the world. Many developed countries such as China, Italy, the United States use working at home to expand their economic conditions. Many jobs, depending on the type of work they do, are done in the same way as working at home. Working at home has many benefits for the individual and the community. Here are some ideas on how to save money at home.

Money-Saving Ideas At Home:

Produce handmade products:

Work at home by making dolls, sculptures, decorations, apps, and whatever else you are good at. These ideas for working from home are a good option for you to start with this skill for entrepreneurship with low capital. Yes, building anything will incur some initial costs, but usually, these costs can be borne with little money and are not so large that they require a lot of capital.

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On the other hand, you can do such products or services as work at home, and you do not need to rent an office, the cost of the production process will not be too high, and in fact, a large part of your income will be net profit from selling your products. It’s up to you to decide what to make, but there are many ways to sell products.

Thanks to the Internet these days, selling products has become easier than before, and you can place your handmade products online to display to your customers.

There are many places to sell your handmade goods online:

Many home entrepreneurs put their products up for sale on various sites to get the best exposure. It is important to keep an eye on the remaining number of your products on different sites to get better and more sales.

Intermediary marketing in the sale of goods or services:

If you do not have the talent and interest to build something, you can be a middleman in selling other people’s goods or services, and it is a money-making idea at home. Many entrepreneurs have started large businesses by reselling (intermediating) products that have already been produced by another person or company. It can be done at home in a variety of ways and channels:


Dropshipping is one of the retail methods and value chain management techniques in which the retailer or company takes the order from the customer without storing the products (and generally without having the warehouse) and sends it to the manufacturer or wholesaler, thereby directing the goods.

If so, create an online store (ready-made templates for such stores are available at a reasonable cost) and partner with companies that provide drop shipping services for you, especially when it comes to ordering acceptance.

Cheap stores and garage auctions:

If you are one of those sharp-witted people and possibly second-hand shoppers, you know where to find such things. You can find useful products in second-hand shops, antique shops, brokers, second-hand markets, and home auctions, and sell them online at a higher price than what you bought in your online store. I suggest you think about this money-making idea of working well at home.

Generate content for brands to attract sponsors:

Attracting a sponsor with quality content can be a great idea for working from home. Make sure your content is unique to get high SEO. Consider all the tips and techniques related to providing quality content. Get help from experts in this field if necessary.

Try to update your content in a certain way, for example, every Monday night at 10 o’clock or every day at midnight. This order and observing other rules related to Google will be useful in raising your ranking.

Sell Services:

Another idea for starting a home-based business is to sell services instead of a physical product. The variety of services you can offer depends on your background, skills, and interests.

Some services require high knowledge and skills, such as programming. Others need only basic knowledge to do the job (such as caring for children at home, lawn mowing, driving, etc.)

If you are planning to become an entrepreneur by using your skills, one of the most important issues is to develop a business plan to build and strengthen your brand. You need to make sure that your business brand influences your potential customers. Use social media and other low-cost methods to boost your brand.

Having a website is a great way to showcase your portfolio to customers and even investors. Write down your experiences and backgrounds, and start producing content about the industry or field in which you operate to attract visitors over time.

Social and entertainment programs:

The next idea is to work from home on social programs. You can create social and entertainment programs and consider a monthly or weekly membership fee for members. Try to create unique and great programs. If the audience is large, it can be a good platform for advertising.

Use low-cost services:

In all stages of home entrepreneurship, from the beginning to the stage of growth and development, there are low-cost tools and methods besides the effective and expensive methods. Just be creative and act on the plan.

Through the various tools and websites available on the Internet, you can design a low-cost website and set up your online store without paying millions of dollars to designers.

Social media is an inexpensive tool that allows you to interact with millions of users. Use creative and popular photos, posts, and videos, create relevant content and create a credible name and logo for yourself.

Starting entrepreneurship requires creativity and enthusiasm for the idea you have in mind. When you find something you love and enjoy doing, you are more likely to find a way to get everything right. So if you are interested in working at home and entrepreneurship, find a suitable idea to start an entrepreneurship. A new idea that solves a customer problem; An idea that will excite you! Entrepreneurship starts with excitement. If you are excited, enter the world of entrepreneurship by working from home today.

Holding workshops and seminars:

Holding workshops and seminars in a virtual and real way can be very profitable. These workshops can be in any field.

You can even work as a mediator between people who have special skills but do not have a blog or website. Online meetings and face-to-face meetings with different sections of society can be fascinating.


Investing and making money at home is one of the easiest ways to save money. In this article, we introduced ideas for starting a business and entrepreneurship at home. I hope this article helps you choose the best job at home. Thank you for your attention.

“If you have any feedback about how working from home can save you money ideas that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Monthly saving

Best Ways To Save Money Every Month!

In difficult economic times, saving is not easy. The best way to save money every month is to measure your income and expenses. We need to be able to eliminate less important costs or replace them with lower costs. I

f you want to save money every month but you do not think this is possible, it is better to follow the tips below to see the result. To have acceptable monthly savings and be comfortable, you need to learn a series of basic principles. In this article, we will explain some smart ways to save money monthly. Stay with us.

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Track your expenses within a month. Keep all your purchases and receipts. At the end of the month, categorize them into fixed and variable categories. Divide each of these categories into two parts: needs and wants.

Fixed expenses usually fix in all months, such as rent, bills, loans, insurance, health services, etc.

Fixed requests are all monthly subscriptions and services such as buying a network subscription, magazine, internet (unless it is for your business), and so on.

Fluctuating costs vary from month to month, while they may cost the least, but people often spend more on them.

Variable needs include clothing and food, and different needs usually include entertainment, habits, games, and other expenses we incur for ourselves or our loved ones.

Now subtract your fixed costs from your net income. Then determine what ten percent of your net income is. It should be your minimum savings goal each month. Reduce this amount from the rest of your salary. It is the final amount you need to budget.

Is there enough money left to save? If not, look at the variable wants first and then your fixed wants and variable needs and see which ones you can remove. If you do not have a steady income, plan according to your average salary. Learn ways to manage money.

Avoid hasty purchases: Always buy in a way that does not require an immediate decision. If you do not buy consciously, you will destroy your entire budget by going to the store once.

Reduction in costs:

Reduce monthly expenses and bills. Electricity and water cover a large part of the costs every month. Do yourself a favor and save the environment. Wear warm clothes instead of overheating or packing.

Reduce service costs. You may reduce the cost of insurance, telephone, internet, etc by finding another service provider. There are always companies that offer the services you need at a lower rate.

Buy a car that is safe and inexpensive. If you are planning to buy a car, make sure your purchase is worthwhile. Look to the long term. An expensive car will cost you a lot in the future.

Spend wisely:

Pay attention to the cost of food and feed. While nutrition is an essential need of every individual, it can cost us dearly. Although cheap foods may seem unhealthy and of poor quality, there are many ways to reduce the food cost.

Most people eat their meals outside the home, especially at work. If you can prepare your food at home, you can save a lot of money.

Buy discounts at regular stores. Instead of going to brand stores and paying extra, look for store discount times and buy groceries at these times.

Pay for entertainment less. Many people spend most of their income on entertainment. Fortunately, this part of the cost can be reduced very easily. If your friends spend a lot of money going to expensive restaurants and cafes, you will probably hardly be able to reduce these costs. Then start by offering less expensive offers. For example, instead of going to the cinema, watch a movie at home, or instead of going to a restaurant, spend the night at home or in the park with friends. The best way to save money is to spend wisely.

Make more money:

Sell accessories that you have not used for some time. Visit your warehouse and sell items that have been buried there for a long time. By doing this, instead of throwing away these items, you can replace them with better and needed things.

Find a second job. Spend your free time on simple but lucrative jobs; such as caring for the elderly and child, or selling.

If you can make handicrafts, start by promoting your products in cyberspace. By doing this, you will not pay for advertising and sales, and instead, you will earn more money.

If you can work on holidays, you will probably spend less. As a result, you will not only spend less but also earn more by working overtime.

If you have an extra room, rent one. Many people are trying to reduce their expenses by having a roommate or renting one of their rooms, and you can do the same.

Open a separate account:

It is better to have a separate sense of savings that is a little difficult to access. An account that does not have a bank teller to withdraw from it, and you have to deposit and withdraw in your branch. In this case, you prefer to control your expenses more. Also, your account can help you during the day or in unforeseen circumstances. This method may be a little ridiculous, but I was able to save well with this method.


There is no doubt that saving, no matter how small, is important. If you can save your income, it will be a significant amount of time that can be used as an investment. But why invest? It is the investment that can get you what you want in the long run. Maintaining purchasing power against inflation, improving the quality of life, providing pensions, and so on are all possible with investment.

Having life insurance:

Having life insurance or health insurance in case of death or unforeseen medical expenses can save you immediately. Nothing can be predicted. If you have this possibility, be sure to apply for insurance to provide peace of mind for yourself and your family in the future.

Repay debts if possible:

If you have a high-interest rate loan, it is best to repay it as soon as you get the money. Try to repay loans that have more interest. It may sound a little weird, but getting a mortgage loan will help you save.


To save money every month, you need to monitor your income and expenses carefully. One of the best ways to save money monthly is to use a savings table. In this case, in addition to saving for each month, you can also track your expenses on an annual basis and have better management.

“If you have any feedback about the best ways to save money every month that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


What Is The Importance Of Online Bill Payment?

You must remember that until a few years ago when people in the community did not have access to the Internet, they used to go to the bank to pay their bills. At that time, they had to have the bill with them and pay their bill using the bill ID and payment ID, after waiting in long queues at the bank.

Over time, paying bills in person gave way to paying bills with ATMs. But today, with the advancement of technology and the increasing use of the Internet, there is no longer a long queue and stay in heavy traffic to pay the bill. With a few simple clicks, we can easily pay our bills through web-based systems, command codes, and payment applications.

In between, there are payment systems that in the shortest time we can inquire about our bills online and pay them in groups.

Electronic payment is one of the new industries in electronic banking. An industry that is becoming more widespread day by day and the number of users of electronic payment systems is increasing and includes various types of bill payment, driving fines, telephone payments, etc.

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With the online payment of water, electricity, gas, and other bills, you no longer need to wait for an hour in a crowded line of ATMs. In just a few minutes you can pay the bills and get to your other tasks. In this article, we want to examine the importance of online bill payment methods. Stay with us…

Billing payment methods:

  • Pay the bill with an ATM
  • Pay bills with web-based systems
  • Pay the bill with USSD
  • Use bill payment apps

In the traditional method of paying the bill, after receiving the bill from the relevant department, the subscriber goes to the bank and pays the bill. If the electricity bill is damaged or lost, the user must go to the relevant office and request a new bill. This payment method always leads to wasting time, payment queue and … Especially in metropolitan areas, imagine what each person goes to the bank every month to pay their bills, what a mess and crowded traffic will be created.

The advent of new tools in the banking industry and technology, along with the growing demand of customers for easier banking and payment services, has revolutionized the industry. The presence of virtual branches in the form of e-banking is a new gift of information technology for the world of banking and responding to this serious demand. According to statistics, card services are one of the most popular and practical modern banking services and the card system is an essential part of a comprehensive banking system.

There are different payment methods that you can use to pay all bills. Like water bill, electricity bill, landline phone bill, etc.

  • Pay bills with web-based systems and online:

By referring to the address of payment web systems and entering the payment ID and bill ID, you will be directed to the bank payment page. To pay your bill online, you need to have a credit card and information, and passwords. It should be noted that when paying the bill using the web payment system, make sure that the URL of the website in question contains the word HTTPS.

  • Use online bill payment apps:

Another way to pay bills online is online payment software, which is very efficient. Using this software, you can pay all bills such as water bill, gas bill, electricity bill, etc. Nowadays, the use of bill payment software has become very widespread and it seems that people also use payment software as a partial accounting system.

Some of these applications, as a monthly payment accounting system, provide reports on the total cost of bills and periodic payments. In addition to the possibility of paying all bills by payment software, simplicity and accurate and periodic reports with high speed and security are other features of these applications.

Benefits of paying bills online:

There are many benefits to paying bills online, and here are a few important ones.

  • Pay bills online to save time:

We humans have nothing more important than time in our lives. With all these electronic facilities of banks, the queue of ATMs is still busier than the queue of bakeries! The human population is growing like this and imagine what would happen if everyone wanted to deposit their bills through an ATM? Using an ATM is essential, not going to an ATM for every small task and wasting the time of a trapped person.

By paying bills online at home, we can pay our bills online and avoid wasting time.

  • Security:

Billing payment systems use high-security protocols to increase the security of our transactions.

  • Comfort:

We can easily pay our bills online. With bill payment systems, we do not have to enter our bill information every time, our information is stored only with one bill payment.

  • Financial Management:

With bill payment systems we can manage our bill payments. For each bill, specify the title and pay them in groups.

  • Online payment of bills = more trees!

Friends, the danger of deforestation is very serious! We do not need to use paper. Less paper consumption means more oxygen. If everyone learns to pay their bills online, the bills no longer need to be printed on paper, resulting in significant paper savings.

  • Online payment of bills and improvement of the country’s economy:

Think for a moment that every month the bill should be printed and delivered to homes and businesses. The printing of these bills affects not only the environment but also the economy of our country. The production of this paper, the printing of bills, the cost of maintaining printers, workers, and so on, are all costs.

Other benefits of online bill payment:

  • Save bill information for future payments
  • Collective payment of bills
  • Manage bill payment (add or remove bills from bill list)
  • Add an optional title for bills
  • View financial reports


Fortunately, with the new electronic payment methods, you no longer need to go to the banks in-person to pay your bills, and you can choose the easiest way to pay your bills. In this article, we introduced you to the latest and simplest methods of paying bills, not in person, and explained the importance of this method. We hope you find this article useful.

“If you have any feedback about what is the importance of online bill payment that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


How To Save To Become A Millionaire?

Why should we save?

Proper planning and management of issues are essential to success in life. One of the most important things in life is to save.

It does not matter what your situation is or what your monthly income is. In any situation, you should make saving a priority in your life.

Keeping track of how small your income is will keep you entertained. In this case, you will no longer have to worry about unforeseen events.

One of the most important reasons for saving is to get the initial capital to invest and gain wealth. You can achieve your goals by saving a portion of your income.

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How to save money to become rich?

What are some ways to get rich by saving? The answer to this question is simple, but it can be hard to practice throughout life. As mentioned earlier, saving in the short term will be the beginning of investing. Note that saving alone will not make anyone rich. Rather, it is the circulation of capital in various markets that gives man wealth.

What steps do we need to take to save?

Saving is not a quick return. So to be successful in life, you need to make it a habit in your behavior and life. It requires the gradual elimination of bad habits and the repetition of the right behaviors. When you can buy good quality goods at a reasonable price, do not spend your money on buying a famous brand of the same quality.

Do not buy anything that looks attractive or spectacular while visiting different stores. These kinds of emotional behaviors are wasting your savings. Cheap and low-quality goods have a short life, and buying them will make you suffer the losses of repurchasing these goods.

By giving up such habits, you will take an effective step towards getting rich by saving and then investing.

Is it better to save cash or save our money on a bank card?

The answer to this question is simple. Saving money in a reputable bank is far safer than saving cash. On the other hand, by saving your money in the bank, you can benefit from its annual profit.

When depositing a certain amount of your income into your savings account, forget about saving that amount somewhere.

In other words, do not list this amount in your monthly expenses. By saving money, you can pave the way for wealth.

Is saving only for the rich?

The misconception that many people believe is that saving is only for the rich and wealthy. According to these people, only those who have a significant monthly income can save.

In response to these people, it should be said that saving is a correct habit and has nothing to do with a person’s income level. These habits are a set of reactions at specific times in life.

The world’s most famous investors have made their fortune from small savings and their proper use. So let go of this misconception and look for ways to eliminate unnecessary expenses and save some of your income.

Why are some people not able to save money?

The inability to save can have many reasons include:

  • Unnecessary extravagance
  • Lack of purpose
  • Procrastination
  • Fear of risk and immutability
  • Consecutive debts
  • Association with negative or extravagant people
  • Lack of health insurance
  • Lack of physical and mental health

To get rich by saving, you must first break bad habits and replace them with useful ones. Keep in mind that low income or any other excuse can not be a convincing reason for not saving. A futurist always saves for unpredictable situations so that he does not get stressed when necessary.

Saving in the way of the rich:

The rich use valuable details to save. The reason rich people are different from other people is not their income level.

Rather, it has to do with their experience. Wealthy people have learned to value their income more and to maintain it in the best possible way.

An ordinary person saves what is left after reducing normal expenses while the method of the rich is opposite to this method.

The rich never pay for unnecessary expenses. They believe that small and unnecessary costs will cause your capital ship to sink.

Many small amounts may be insignificant to us. But by investing the same amount, a rich person prevents the loss of his financial resources. Getting rich with savings are two interrelated categories. So by learning the right ways to save, you can achieve the wealth you want.

What should we spend our savings?

As mentioned earlier, saving alone is not enough. In today’s society, despite high inflation, storing money without circulating it in the capital markets will devalue it. Hence, the best way to use savings in a principled way is to invest it.

Buying currency, coins, and gold, buying property, or saving in a bank are some of the major actions taken by people. Some people enter the stock market to make the most of their savings.

The entry of people’s savings into the capital market will bring many benefits, including the prosperity of a country’s economy and industry. Note that entering the capital market requires sufficient study and knowledge of this market.

Buying stocks in the stock market is one of the most important ways to get rich with your savings.

Tips to know before you start saving:

Before you start saving, you need to make a list of the essentials of your life. By knowing these details, you can better plan for your income. Finally, with proper management of your income and expenses, you will avoid unnecessary costs.

Another point is goal setting. Defining a goal for savings can motivate and regulate this activity.

These goals can be the purchase of essentials in life, such as housing; Or it could be a valuable tool for you that you may have been waiting for a long time. Be sure to set a specific time for each goal.


One of the most important goals of working is to meet the basic needs of life and provide an acceptable level of well-being and comfort. Also, each person may need a financial budget to achieve their goals in life. Therefore, the importance of saving human life is undeniable. If you take a brief look at the lives of rich people, you will find important points, including how to save and invest.

In this article, we discuss the ways to get rich by saving. We hope you find this article useful.

“If you have any feedback about ways to save to become a millionaire that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


What Is Affiliate Marketing And How To Do It?

What is affiliate marketing?

What is an effective system that many people benefit from it?

Affiliate marketing is the process, by which an affiliate receives a commission for marketing the company products or an individual.

Despite its complex definition, the process is very simple. The affiliate chooses the product that likes and marketing for it and benefits from selling it. With each sale, a percentage will reach him.

Affiliate marketing is the ultimate form of marketing communication because it is a process of paying for performance (affiliate markets are an individual-based adjustment, where the merchant pays when he sells or attracts a potential customer).

Compare this marketing with the shortcomings of traditional advertising or direct mail! This marketing can stimulate the business volume in various sectors (many banks, travel agencies, or online retailers get more than 10% of their sales from the right affiliate marketing program). This type of marketing is not suitable for commercial products or consumer products at a lower price because they are not profitable enough for affiliates.

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Many of the benefits of affiliate marketing are related to search engine marketing, as affiliates are often skilled in deploying SEO and PPC to present themselves in natural search results. Below are some affiliate marketing benefits:

  • Gain more visibility in the natural and monetary indexes of search engine results pages (increase “search share”)
  • Ability to use different affiliates to target different audiences, product categories, and related phrases

Affiliates may be more responsive to your agency, and home expressions depending on changes in SEO algorithms and proposed approaches to PPC.

  • For example, affiliates may be faster in advertising new products or may use the types of keyword phrases you don’t consider.
  • Affiliate marketing allows you to reach customers in general terms (for example, “clothing”) at a relatively low cost if affiliates ensure a better position in the natural listing.
  • Using affiliates reduces the risk of temporary or more fundamental problems with managing your search engine marketing.
  • Payment for performance (costs or acquisitions can be controlled)

But affiliate marketing also has significant disadvantages (because your affiliates are primarily motivated by money). The consequence is that some of these affiliates may use unethical techniques to increase their revenue. The possible losses are as follows:

  • Sales or incremental profits may be limited. You may fragment the business you have acquired in any way.
  • Affiliates may misuse your brand name:

This is when affiliates offer different types of branding (for example, for the “Del” brand, other names such as “Dell Computers” or “Dell Laptop”) or try to misuse your brand name. Pre-awareness is here to prevent this abuse and many other affiliate programs such as trademark blocking, although affiliates can play an important role in removing competitors from the list of trademark terms.

  • Affiliates may damage your brand reputation your ads may appear on sites that are inconsistent with your brand images, such as gambling sites or immoral sites. Creativity in this field is outdated and even illegal.
  • Program management costs:

If you use an affiliate network to manage your campaigns, affiliates may charge 30% of the agreed affiliate fee.

  • The management time of the affiliate marketing program is based on forming good, maintaining it, and appropriate relationships. This goal is not achieved only through representation (marketers in the organization must communicate with their superior affiliates).

How does affiliate marketing work?

This marketing works with the direct involvement of people, and in the meantime, each party is supposed to benefit, so for work well everything, three people need to be involved:

  • The seller or product creator
  • Affiliate or marketer
  • Customer

We now examine the relationship between the three to make sure affiliate marketing is a successful approach.

  • Seller and product creator:

A salesperson, whether an entrepreneur or a large organization, can be a supplier, marketer, product creator, or banker of a product. A product can be a physical object such as a household item, or a service such as a makeup training program. Also, as a well-known brand, the seller does not need to be actively involved in marketing but maybe an advertiser and benefit from a shared income with affiliate marketing.

  • Affiliate or distributor:

A distributor or affiliate can be an ordinary person or a company that introduces the seller’s product in a compelling way to potential consumers. That is, the affiliate’s job is to persuade the consumer to buy the product. If the customer buys that product, the affiliate will have a share of the sale.

Affiliates often have specific audiences that generally present the product according to the interests of the audience. It creates a specific design or personal brand that helps the affiliate to attract customers who help further the promotion.

  • Customer:

Whether the customer knows it or not, they are the core of the affiliate marketing story. Affiliates share products with them through social media, websites, and blogs.

When a customer buys a product, the seller and the affiliate share the profit. Sometimes the affiliate chooses to be honest with the customer by revealing that they are receiving a commission for the sale. Sometimes a customer may be completely unaware of the affiliate marketing infrastructure behind their affiliate purchase.

However, they can’t pay more. The profit of the partner is in the same profit of selling the product. Jupiter completes and is the most important side of this triangle.


Affiliate marketing, despite all these websites, blogs, and social networks, is a very simple and good way to achieve long and short term goals. Follow the patterns and you will see how you will communicate with your audience. Turn inactive readers into active customers and increase your revenue day by day.

“If you have any feedback about what is affiliate marketing and how to do it that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

Pros and cons

Pros And Cons Of Online Bill Payment!

There are many benefits to paying bills online through apps. The biggest advantage of these apps is time saving; you can view all your bills on one page and you do not have to leave home to pay. Installation of this software is completely free and you do not pay any fees for the services provided to you.

Internet bill payment technology has been on the market for several years, but it is still not used by some people.

This method is also better than the USDD codes. To use USDD you need a complete mobile phone antenna; because your relationship with the bank is done this way. USD also has very limited possibilities.

How does online bill payment through apps work?

How to work with payment applications is very simple; you log in to your account and select the desired service and perform the transaction. When you first use payment software, your banking information is saved to make your transactions easier the next time. (This information will not be misused in any way.)

It is also possible to pay bills through the websites of various banks, but the daily use of mobile phones is more, so the bill payment application is more popular. In the continuation of the article, we will point out the advantages and disadvantages of online payment of bills.

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Benefits of paying bills online:

There are tremendous benefits to using this way. In the following, we will mention the most important ones.

  • Convenience:

Paying bills online is a hassle. We do not have to enter several sites or services and repeat our information several times. With the help of online bill payment systems, we can easily pay our bills just by entering information once.

Paying online through apps makes it easier for you. Normally you have to go to separate websites to use different services, for example, to go to one website to buy recharge, to go to another website to buy traffic plan, but online payment apps offer all these services to you together.

You do not even have to leave the house. Just install the desired application on your mobile phone and use it when needed.

You can also schedule invoice payment times. Many times we are fined for late payment of bills. To solve this problem, online bill payment applications have made it possible for you to schedule your invoices so that payment can be made on the due date.

  • Security:

With the advancement of security technology, this software has been upgraded. Various protocols are used to maintain security in the billing application, such as the use of username and password, encryption of incoming and outgoing information, fingerprint login, and…

Online bill payment systems strive to use the best security protocols to secure our transactions. By doing this, protocols encrypt the information we enter during payment to experience secure payment.

  • Money management:

Another advantage of this type of payment is bill management. You can check your account with the click of a button. Other benefits of this money management payment way include: Search for payments you have already made, access to payment history, set alerts to remind you of invoice dates, and more.

You can access your payment history in online applications; so you can see all the paid bills or the bills that are to be paid in detail.

Sometimes you will be rewarded when you pay your bills on time; For example, if we talk about mobile operators, they will reward you with a few hours of free calls. In this regard, payment software will help you to pay your bill on time and not be deprived of these rewards.

By paying the bills online, we can access the details of the bills, categorize and name them, and finally, pay all our bills in groups.

  • Eco-friendly:

This way is ecological. Ecological means not using paper. People around the world are now facing the problem of deforestation. Online billing software solves this problem and does not use paper.

We say goodbye to paper bills by paying bills online. Saying goodbye to paper bills, we will see a significant reduction in paper production.

  • Not forgetting:

Wrong payment of bills or forgetting and delaying the payment of bills is one of the most common events that can happen to any of us during each month. By paying bills online, we will no longer have to worry about forgetting to pay them; because bill payment systems remind us of the payment time every month.

  • Saving time:

With just a few simple clicks, we will be saved from staying in traffic, going to the bank, standing in line, etc., and we will save our time and energy.

In some applications, you can select several bills and pay them at once. This method will save you a lot of time.

It is difficult for many users to receive and pay their bills separately. You must receive the invoices one by one and pay for each one separately. This will save you a lot of time; if you can pay them all at once.

In general, using software is the best way to pay your bills online. This software has countless features that will make the payment process easier for users. The most important concern of users to use this software is their security, but you should know that companies have increased the security of the application in various ways.

For example, this software use passwords, fingerprints, and so that not everyone can access your bank account. Also, more layers of security have been applied to the server-side to avoid any problems.

This method is also very effective for those who want to save more money at the end of the month; because you can see all the bills you have paid so far and plan for them.

Disadvantages of online bill payment:

  • Internet payment risks:

The most important threat to online payments is the issue of Fishing. Hackers try different methods to obtain banking information and knock on every door to deceive you! Always be careful not to share your card information with others. If someone has this information, they can easily withdraw money from your account.

  • Unfamiliarity with technology:

Many people in the community are not familiar with this method of online payment, which is due to the lack of public education and the necessary cultural and social backgrounds. For this payment method to become common and customers to use it, it is necessary to hold training courses on how to work with the electronic service system.

Other disadvantages of online payment include the following:

  • Hackers have access to personal accounts
  • Lack of high-speed and permanent internet in some countries
  • High costs of electronic banking infrastructure
  • The daily limit for the amount of withdrawal or transfer of funds
  • Restrictions on banks to pay between two bank accounts from two different banks


In this article, we described the benefits of paying bills online. Despite the problems mentioned for online payment of bills, it can be boldly said that online payment plays a major role in creating customer well-being, reducing costs, and also saving time for the people of the community.

“If you have any feedback about pros and cons of online bill payment that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.

5 ways to increase credit

How Do I Apply For A Credit Card?

What is a credit card and how does it work?

A credit card is a type of payment card issued to individuals that allows them to use it to purchase, transfer money, prepay cash, or repay loans in the future. The amount of credit that is considered for each person depends on his income and ability to repay.

A credit card allows you to repay your expenses little by little, like borrowing money for the amount you used with this card. You can spend money depending on your pre-determined limit, which may be a few hundred or thousands of pounds. It depends on how confident your cardholder is that you are refunding them. If you pay your bills on a monthly basis, you will not pay interest on expenses.

If you pay in cash, you will receive a daily interest from the day you withdraw your money. This is one of the reasons why you should not withdraw cash from your credit card. Some companies will charge you up to 4% or more for cash payments.

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Credit cards are similar to regular bank cards, and you can buy whatever you want with them, but there is an important difference with regular bank cards.

Ordinary debit cards will withdraw money from your bank account, but using a credit card means borrowing money from the card provider.

Each time you make a purchase, the amount spent is added to your card balance, and this is the total amount you owe.

You can submit your credit card statement every month stating that you want to pay off your debt immediately or make the payment over time.

If you choose to repay the amount spent over time, interest will accrue on the amount you owe.

Advantages of using a credit card:

  • Installing the cost of buying a product
  • Protect your purchase with the possibility of a refund
  • Borrow money for free
  • Discounts on purchases
  • You can improve your financial reputation

Disadvantages of using a credit card:

  • Excessive spending can increase the debt
  • Membership interest may increase
  • Withdrawals are very expensive
  • You will have to pay a fine for being late or out of bounds
  • Missed payments can damage your credit

Benefits of getting a credit card:

Credit cards have numerous benefits. The first and perhaps most important of these is that if you use your credit card consciously, you will be able to build good credit for yourself. Having a good credit history can also help you get various loans like mortgages at good rates. It also helps you get approved for an apartment or cell phone. Helps you avoid high-interest deposits and lower premiums.

These credit cards are easy to transport and use. In most places, you will be accepted for a credit card. Using a credit card is safer than using cash. If your card is stolen or lost, all you have to do is call your bank and cancel it.

Buy now, pay later. If you do not have the cash until your next payment or to make a large purchase, getting a credit card will give you more time for financial payments, although you may be sure that you will be able to pay it back.

Credit cards have free services. Such as airmail, points, and refunds, all of which are free services.

Using a credit card, you can make the following types of payments and bank transactions:

  • Online shopping from all virtual stores accepting bank accounts (Master and Visa card)
  • Purchase from all stores that have a POS card reader
  • Cash withdrawal, money transfer through ATMs
  • Payment of electricity, water, gas, etc. bills

One of the important features of a credit card is high security and protection of the purchase process, since this type of card uses the highest security technologies, it can be easily disabled and blocked to avoid any attempt to use it illegally during the theft.

How To Apply For A Credit Card:

From the beginning of legal age, any natural person can apply for a credit card and have a valid credit card. Based on the credit history and guarantee, the card is issued to people who want to get a credit card.

Although it is not always easy to obtain a credit card in the United States, foreigners residing can apply for it. A person’s immigration status determines the number of options available to him or her. Most immigrants or students may be able to use a “secure credit card” or another person’s account.

Eligible People To Receive A Credit Card:

People born in the United States and have reached the legal age. They can usually apply for a credit card from banks or financial institutions. Normally, the credit given to the account holder is limited at first. Immigrants to the United States can also receive credit cards from banks or financial institutions, but the conditions for receiving a credit card are different for immigrants.

Immigrants can deposit as much money as they can into their bank account in the United States after opening their first bank account. The bank blocks the account holder’s money for a limited time (approximately six months or more). Blocking money means that the account holder does not have access to their money at that time.

During this period, the bank gives a type of bank card to the person, which is called the card password. The secured card has a very low limit. The above process is for the first time to build a person’s financial record. At the end of this period, the bank or monetary institution will issue a regular credit card to the bank account holder.

Credit card issuing companies:

Credit cards, including credit cards and debit cards, are issued by various financial institutions. Top international credit card issuer networks include MasterCard, American Express, VISA Card, Maestro, Discover it, and…


A credit card is a type of card that is issued to individuals and can be used to purchase, transfer money, prepay cash, or repay loans in the future. Credit cards are similar to regular bank cards and you can use them to buy whatever you want. Any natural person from the age of legal age can apply for a credit card. In this article, we tried to explain the most important features of the credit card and how to obtain it. We hope you find this article useful.

“If you have any feedback about how do I apply for a credit card that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.



How Do You Create A Student Budjet?

Cost management and budgeting in student life is an issue that many students face. Student life is a period of life for people that are accompanied by many sweets and bitters. During this period, students are usually unable to work full time due to the long time of classes and the time spent studying.

Many students live far from their families. The hardships of such a life and the lack of experience, as well as the low income of part-time jobs, make it difficult for students to manage their expenses. In this article, we have reviewed tips to facilitate this.

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Note-Taking And Scheduling, Management Key:

One of the most important steps people can take to manage their living expenses is to make a list of all their expenses. Keeping track of the expenses you have incurred during the month gives you an overview of how you spend your money.

Choose a day to organize your list. Consider the options listed and think about whether or not each one is necessary. Finally, you can identify the items you do not need and avoid spending on those things for the next month.

Make A Shopping List:

Another important point in budgeting is to always buy according to your needs. Choosing the ones you do not need, even if they are very cheap, will ultimately reduce your budget. To manage expenses during the week, it is better to write down everything you need and goes shopping with that list in a targeted way.

When shopping, you can save more money by following some tips:

  • Share your shopping with friends and roommates. Put money together every week and go shopping. You can buy the materials you need for a whole week. This way you can buy more and share in the costs.
  • Use bulk foods instead of packages. If possible, buy foods such as beans or cheese in kilograms and in bulk to take home more at a lower price.

Ways To Earn Extra Money:

If you find that your current income does not fully cover everything you need, there are things you can do to make money. Maybe you can babysit a few nights a week or choose some tasks to teach other students. Another idea is to place some of your unwanted items on second-hand sales sites.

  • Use your student card:

You can take advantage of student discounts if you are interested in participating in academic or artistic activities that require tickets or reservations. These discounts may only save you a few dollars, but those dollars go up! Today, most movie and theater counters offer you a significant discount by offering a student card.

Most scientific and research seminars also offer facilities with student numbers to invite students of relevant fields. You can also charge your subway ticket economically by presenting a student card and pay less for transportation by public transport.

You can also write down the discounts you have used and be informed of the amount of money you have saved for them at the end of each month or week; this also has a huge impact on the cost of living management and gives you an overview of minor expenses.

  • Walk more:

If you live far from the university, you probably spend a lot of money every day on public transportation; or you may have to spend a lot of money on gasoline, so consider other options. You can wake up early in the morning and use the bus instead of a taxi.

When you get home, you do not have to worry about time, you can walk all or part of the way. In this way, you have both exercised and saved money. Instead of taxis and subways, you can use the walk to get around.

  • Eat at home:

Another thing that costs students a lot is eating in restaurants and fast foods. These foods are not even healthy and their use over a long period of time may threaten the health of students.

Instead, always cook at home and take your food with you. Always cook enough food to eat at least two meals. This will save you time, money, and expenses, as well as a good budget.

If you have a class and do not have time to return home or dormitory for lunch, put your food in a container and take it with you to class, you can warm it up at the university buffet or in the dining room. The use of the university’s own dining room can also be very effective in managing costs if it is of good quality.

  • Use second-hand options:

You can save a wide range of time by searching for second-hand options – from textbooks, clothing, and electronics to cars and furniture. You can do your shopping in garages, markets, and second-hand stores; online on websites like eBay and Gumtree or social media forums.

  • Save:

If you can, save some of your money every month. Then try to spend a month with the rest of the money. This way you have a secure reserve for the future and you can better identify and avoid unnecessary needs.


Final tips for managing student expenses:

Student life has its ups and downs, but if you manage your expenses carefully, you can make it sweeter and have a better time. Remember that by saving on extra costs such as buying fast food, you can buy more books or participate in various other scientific and artistic activities. So it is better:

  • Keep notes of what you learned from the process.
  • Be careful when shopping.
  • Avoid choosing unimportant options that you do not need.
  • Take advantage of student discounts.
  • Spend your time cooking at home to avoid the cost of eating out.
  • Walk more instead of taking taxis and buses.

Student life is hard but it is a transitional stage. Try to enjoy this part of your life the most. Saving money should not deprive you of the pleasures of life. Sometimes spend it on a recreational or entertainment occasion to keep your spirits up and enjoy.

“If you have any feedback about how do you create a student budget that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.


Student Loan Scams And How To Avoid Them!

The student loan crisis has had a devastating effect on both students and the economy, with the second-largest consumer crisis after the mortgage crisis being student debt, contrary to what many people think, people with this crisis. Involved are not only young graduate students, but many seniors still have student debt.

As you know, a lot of money is allocated to student loans every year. Some scammers try to take advantage of you by providing services and making false promises to increase your money.

In this article, we are going to talk about these scams that exist when applying for a student loan and teach you how to avoid these scammers. Stay with us.

Before we talk about these scams, you first need to get to know the people who offer these loans.

You may have seen many companies on Google, Instagram, Facebook, etc. that advertise student loans. These ads are usually in a way that tempts you to contact these companies and register for a loan.

But these companies may not act as they promised in the ads, so you need to first make sure they are trusted before registering to receive such loans!

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  • The advanced fee scam:

In this type of scam, a student loan company promises you the best interest rate and loan terms, but it has certain conditions. One of them is that you have to pay a “small” fee in advance. This fee can be around 1-5% of the loan amount or it can be a fixed fee (for example $500)

If you come across such an offer for a student loan, you should know that legitimate student loans do not require any additional payment and should not be charged in advance. If the loan has a commission, it will be paid at the same time as the monthly repayment amounts.

If you seek help from a third party company to pay off your student loan debt, they may charge you a fee. But this fee must be paid into a deposit account (or third party account) and the company will only receive a salary if it is proven that they have helped you.

  • Total elimination of debt:

In this type of scam, which has become very common, fraudsters claim that they can pay off the borrower’s student loan debt in full. In this regard, you should know that student loan debt can not be eliminated in any way except in the following cases that are eligible for federal:

  • School closure
  • Identity theft
  • Death or permanent disability

Loans are forgiven only after several eligible payments have been made, and there is no way to expedite this process for federal loans.

Since it is not possible to get rid of mortgage debt, there is usually no need to rush into payment.

  • Loan consolidation scams:

Loan consolidation scams are another common scam in the field of student loans after graduation. In this way, the fraudulent company will charge you for the loan merger but will do nothing for you.

Any company claiming to be affiliated with the Ministry of Education to merge your loans is likely to exploit you. If you are a borrower, you can merge and repay a federal student loan at no cost.

Another thing to consider is whether or not these companies advertise on social media or search engines. If these companies spend a lot of money on advertising, you should know that they are looking to make a profit and defraud you. Therefore, according to the above points, it is important that you do not submit your personal information to online advertising forms and research before receiving such loans.

A Few Misconceptions About Student Loans:

Bankruptcy applies to all debts, except for student loans.

Federal and private loans are the same: No, there are many differences between the two types of loans, including the difference in interest rates and so on.

Loans are automatically extended until graduation if the loans are for one academic year.

Always get federal loans before private loans, and after using your federal loan option, compare the offers of several private lenders to find the lowest interest rates.

Federal student loans are based on student income after entering the job market at a fixed interest rate, but while private student loans are accompanied by late penalties and variable interest rates, and unlike some federal loans, private loans it is not based on financial need. In fact, you may have to pass a credit check to prove your credit, and private interest rates can be fixed or variable.

Ways To Prevent Student Loan Fraud:

Now for the other scam loans, you receive emails regularly.

Some student loan companies offer everything you can to get your money back, including offering to do things you can do (like signing a payday loan) or making silly promises to extend your debt.

If you do not know if the email you received was fraudulent, you should ask the following questions.

Does The Company Want Your Money?

Do you pay the application fee to merge your loans or pay monthly to terminate your loan?

Do they make unrealistic promises?

For example, do they tell you that they can lend? The federal government has created student loan programs that face stringent conditions and can take decades to develop.

Do they want your personal information?

Do they want your account number, FSA number, or even your power of attorney? Your trusted lender has already provided you with all the information you need. Do not share your information with fraudsters.


Paying off student loan debt can be very stressful for you. Many scammers may take advantage of you with fake offers to defer, reduce, merge, or eliminate debt. Many of these scams can cost you thousands of dollars in debt and multiply your debt.

In this article, we introduce three common student loan scams and ways to prevent them. As mentioned, before considering any student loan, it is necessary to review all the options make sure that the lending company is valid and you should consider the existing restrictions.

“If you have any feedback about student loans scams and how to avoid them that you have tried out or any questions about the ones that I have recommended, please leave your comments below!”

NB: The purpose of this website is to provide a general understanding of personal finance, basic financial concepts, and information. It’s not intended to advise on tax, insurance, investment, or any product and service. Since each of us has our own unique situation, you should have all the appropriate information to understand and make the right decision to fit with your needs and your financial goals. I hope that you will succeed in building your financial future.